
One Year

I am finally getting around to posting Millie's official one year update.  

Boy has time flown!  I (and Cason) have loved every second with Millie.  Yes, sometimes we get bored...but there's nothing else I'd rather be doing than being a mom and staying home with my baby.  She has taught me so much in this last year, and I am a better person because of her. (and Cason too)  

Millie is quite the feisty one (she might get that from her mom...).  Even the doctor said something at her one year check up.  She didn't want him looking at her teeth, so she turned her head away really hard.  Nothing wrong with that right?!  haha.  

She climbs the stairs pretty quickly and then sits at the top until we "notice".  Then she giggles as she looks down at us.  She can't quite get down, but hasn't really attempted yet.  She'll go down with my help behind her.

She loves to read books, but gets sick of it pretty quickly and just wants to turn the pages by herself.  She also loves music.  Any music she hears she will do a little dance.  Love it.  

She says 'uh ay!' (uh oh!) and will try to copy things we say, but it doesn't sound anything like what we say.  She is trying to talk and still jabbers away.  

She likes doggies and loves to go on walks to see if we can find doggies.  She likes kitty cats too, and tries to pull their long tails while giggling.  It is quite funny! 

She knows where her "beep" (bellybutton) is, her piggy toes, and sometimes her tongue and eyes.  She can point out other peoples eyes, noses and ears, but not really her own yet.  She loves butterfly kisses, and will hold really still when we give them to her.  

Loves the bath.  There was a time where she didn't love it and didn't hate it, but she loves it again.  She could spend all day in there.  It's a fun event for us!  :)  She also loves the drinking fountain at church. She'll spot it from a mile away and start getting excited.  Sometimes I forget and wonder why she is so excited and then realize as we get closer.  She loves to drink out of it, and sometimes play with the water.

Loves the swings...she will spot them as we approach them and get excited and giggle.  It is the cutest thing! 

She isn't walking quite yet.  She'll take five steps and then gets scared because she looses her balance a little and falls.  She would much rather crawl.  She has discovered that she can fit in, under, on top of, and go through everything.  She tries to squeeze through little cracks and crawls under the bed but sometimes gets stuck.

She loves to get into things and make messes.  She'll pull anything out of drawers, cupboards, and closets.  She attempts at putting them back, but isn't quite successful yet.  Her favorite is the ziploc baggie drawer.  She opens it, and pulls each baggie out of the box.  It makes quite a mess, but she enjoys it and tries to do it as fast as she can before we catch her.  

She does not like cold milk in a sippy cup.  Only warm milk in a bottle.  I think it's a comfort thing.  We are trying to ween her from bottles-we're down to about one to two a day.  She still likes her pacifier and loves her blanket.

She knows who Jesus is.  We have a picture of Jesus hanging in our home, and every time we say, "Millie, where's Jesus?"  She gets the biggest smile on her face and finds him.  She stares at him with a big grin, every time, and sometimes will give him kisses.  Melts our hearts!

We love our sweet little Millie girl and have really enjoyed watching her grow and progress.  Even though she is technically a toddler now (sad), she will always be our little baby!


  1. So cute!! I can't believe she's a year already! Great pics!

  2. i think the feisty thing is just a gene thing! but it most definitely doesn't come from cason (unless he's trying to get free breakfast at a hotel). she is so cute. her little closed mouth smile like she is up to something melts me everytime i see a picture. (key word:a picture. would rather it be in person. but ill take what i can get.) love you guys!

  3. She is perfect! I love her cute outfit! Yeah for being one Millie!

  4. Darling photos! I love to read Millie's updates because they are almost exactly the same as Crew's.

  5. ok, she totally looks like cason in a few of these pictures. i love it! she's growing up so fast!

    happy birthday to millie.

  6. I love blogging - I feel like I actually kind of know your baby girl just from your posts. She really is a beaut.

  7. She is such a beauty!! I love her style too :)

  8. So stinking cute!!! Marie she is so lucky to have such a good momma...and dad! you are so lucky to have such an adorable baby!:)

  9. Hi Marie! Thanks for stopping by and saying hello over on my blog! Your little Millie is a doll face! She reminds me of my first little girl, who is now 27 with her second baby on the way! I loved being a stay at home mom (while it lasted). Time goes by WAY too quickly so enjoy the teeny-ness while you can!

    I adore all of your instagram pics too! Soooo cute. I am going to have to get myself a phone that does that!

  10. she just keeps getting cuter and CUTER!! so much fun.

  11. It is so neat that you write all of that stuff down about little Millie. It will be so fun later in life to look back and see the things she used to do. I can't get over how darling she always looks, she is just adorable. She is always dressed so cute too.


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