
A Name and A Blessing

It was such a beautiful day!  After a long weekend of rainstorms, the sun was shining.  On Sunday, October 24th, 2010, Millie Marie was given an official name and a blessing by her dad.  It was such a sweet blessing.  Tears filled my eyes as I listened to Cason speak such profound words.

Millie was such a happy girl the whole day.  She stayed awake majority of the church meeting and kicked her legs and cooed on Grandma Ju-ju's lap.

She was so sweet.  She is so sweet.

My parent's came to town to celebrate this special day with us.  
The grandparents

My grandparents, aunt Jen and cousin Bailey all came to town too.
It was so fun to have some of my family here.

Millie sure is loved!

I was a proud mom that day.  
And I'm still a proud mom.


I posted Millie's birth story.  But I wanted it to be in order with the correct dates.  
If you care to read...check it out here.


Just Because

Because I'm sick of seeing green stripes...heres to a new post. :)  

Sometimes internet is so frustrating. 
We only have it on our laptop for the time being. 
A few more days and hopefully that changes.  

But I have some news to share.  Bittersweet news.  More bitter than sweet, but it'll have to do. 
It has to do with the big "M" word. 
Any guesses?? 
I'd tell you but I want to make sure it's set in stone first.  
It is the random-est place. 
It never crossed my mind (or Cason's for that matter)  that we could possibly live in this state. 
I'll just say it is further away from Utah than California is. 
When am I ever going to see my family?? 

And here's a picture from my 1980's cellphone to hold you over. 

Don't you just want to squeeze her??


Two Months

My Millie girl is 2 months old now.  She is so fun! 
 If she's fun now, I can only imagine she'll get more fun as time goes on.

She is really tall, but we'll take it!  We could use the genes. :)  


She is all grins and coos.  
I love it.  
Everyday, I feel like I am playing house.
She is like my little dolly that I take everywhere I go.
She lets me play dress ups with her, she is my guinea pig for pictures, and we sing songs all day long.

Good thing she still thinks my voice sounds good!  
Hopefully it doesn't change.  She's about the only one that likes it. :)

She gets so excited when she sees Cason or me come into the room. 
She has to have her pacifier before going to bed.
Once we give it to her, she closes her eyes and goes right to sleep.
Hopefully this isn't too bad of a habit to start.  I'm a little worried.

She loves to play patty cake and sing The Birdie Song (my made-up version of it.)
She smiles when I say, "what does a doggy say? Ruff. Ruff."  In a high pitched voice.
Maybe it's just the high pitched voice, but I like to think she knows what I'm talking about.

She's my little sidekick, my little pal, my best bud.  
I love you Millie girl!


Millie Lou

Yes, I know I'm up late...but I have been googling things like cataract, scar tissue, lens development, optic nerve development, glaucoma. You get the picture.  

Today was another day at the doctors office.

Dr. Wright tested her eye pressure again.  Last visit it was a 20.  All I know is that if it's above 20 its dangerous.  Today hers was a 35.  He gave us some eye drops that will hopefully reduce the pressure...if the drops don't work they have to poke a hole in her eye and drain out the fluid. 

He also told us that today was the first time he could see all the way back to the optic nerve.  The optic nerve is like a cable that connects the brain to the eye.  Millie's optic nerve didn't develop all the way.  I don't know how severe it is and neither does the doctor, because it is hard to tell at this point...but we are not giving up.  I am hopeful that she can still see.  Actually, I know she can see.  We just don't know how well.  

Everyday is different.  
One day everything looks great.  
The next day it might not be so great.

I still have faith that everything will work out in the end.  I am hopeful.  I am grateful.  Things could be worse.  I just have to keep telling myself that.  Everything will work out.  And she will be fine.  At least she's healthy, happy, coos, kicks her legs, looks around, and is cute! 

(these pictures were taken right after we got home from the doctor @ 7 weeks 4 days old) 

look at those rolls on her legs starting to form.  Love it!

I just love her.
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