
Just Because

Because I'm sick of seeing green stripes...heres to a new post. :)  

Sometimes internet is so frustrating. 
We only have it on our laptop for the time being. 
A few more days and hopefully that changes.  

But I have some news to share.  Bittersweet news.  More bitter than sweet, but it'll have to do. 
It has to do with the big "M" word. 
Any guesses?? 
I'd tell you but I want to make sure it's set in stone first.  
It is the random-est place. 
It never crossed my mind (or Cason's for that matter)  that we could possibly live in this state. 
I'll just say it is further away from Utah than California is. 
When am I ever going to see my family?? 

And here's a picture from my 1980's cellphone to hold you over. 

Don't you just want to squeeze her??


  1. obvs i know where. i won't spoil it though.
    we will really miss you guys if you end up leaving!!
    your girl is all sweetness.

  2. hey I'm in the know too :) boo hoo. I'll come visit though. First I'll visit you this weekend though!!!!

  3. Yes, I do want to squeeze her. She's so cute Marie. Good luck with the move!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. and when I say this weekend, I mean next weekend :)

  6. i can't wait to hear where...good luck with moving, etc! :)

  7. Cute pic! Cason's job? Is that why you're moving? That sucks.... Hmmmmm let me guess: Virgina? HAHA.. I dunno. Can't wait to hear where!

  8. Eeeekkk...So exciting/scary! Keep us posted!

  9. I heard something from Dave or Beth, but I won't say it on here. :) That is really bittersweet news. It sounds like a good opportunity, but moving is always so hard.

  10. hum.. well I really hope its Pennsylvania, it would be so fun to have an old friend here :) but my guess is Iowa.

  11. My guess is Maine :) Cant wait to hear!

  12. dying to know where the move could be. i'm hoping texas?? i'll keep my fingers crossed. and yes, i DO want to squeeze and cuddle her....xoxo

  13. I'm going to guess Kentucky? Just a random guess. Moving is really hard, especially when you're far away from family.

    Your little Millie is so sweet. I really would like to squeeze her...and meet her!

  14. adorable blog! and your baby girl is so presh. :)

  15. Well, let's just say I never thought in a million years I'd end up in Minnesota...

    Can't wait to hear where you're going. I'm keeping my fingers crossed it's closer to me!


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