
Millie Lou

Yes, I know I'm up late...but I have been googling things like cataract, scar tissue, lens development, optic nerve development, glaucoma. You get the picture.  

Today was another day at the doctors office.

Dr. Wright tested her eye pressure again.  Last visit it was a 20.  All I know is that if it's above 20 its dangerous.  Today hers was a 35.  He gave us some eye drops that will hopefully reduce the pressure...if the drops don't work they have to poke a hole in her eye and drain out the fluid. 

He also told us that today was the first time he could see all the way back to the optic nerve.  The optic nerve is like a cable that connects the brain to the eye.  Millie's optic nerve didn't develop all the way.  I don't know how severe it is and neither does the doctor, because it is hard to tell at this point...but we are not giving up.  I am hopeful that she can still see.  Actually, I know she can see.  We just don't know how well.  

Everyday is different.  
One day everything looks great.  
The next day it might not be so great.

I still have faith that everything will work out in the end.  I am hopeful.  I am grateful.  Things could be worse.  I just have to keep telling myself that.  Everything will work out.  And she will be fine.  At least she's healthy, happy, coos, kicks her legs, looks around, and is cute! 

(these pictures were taken right after we got home from the doctor @ 7 weeks 4 days old) 

look at those rolls on her legs starting to form.  Love it!

I just love her.


  1. I love her too!!! She is such a sweet little girl! So glad we got to see her tonight!

  2. Marie! You were always destined to be the best mom and I think that Millie is so lucky to have you. She came to the right family. She is absolutely beautiful. Know that we'll send lots of prayers and happy thoughts your way all the way from Connecticut!

    P.S. My family moved to Mapleton. Jenny misses the ward, too. We all do. It feels weird not think of the East bench of the Provo mountains any more as "home" anymore.

  3. She looks so sweet!! And that's a classic Millie face! I just want to give her lots of hugs and kisses! Love you!

  4. she is so dang cute!!!! love love her cute lil mohawk! ;)

  5. She is absolutely beautiful! I love her hair! She's got the prettiest little face. I hope she continues to get better.

  6. :) I love all these pictures! So cute! That last one looks like you but other than that, she is cason!

  7. Millie is lucky to have such supportive parents as you and Cason! She is adorable and getting so big. Keep us updated on her situation...thinking of you and especially of your sweet girl :)

  8. So sorry for what you all are going through... Poor little thing. You have such a great attitude about the whole thing! Way to go! I love her flower headband! I hope her eye gets better!

  9. So is so adorable! I used to work for an opthalmologist and i saw how many incredible things can be done to assist lens replacement and optic nerve damage. I have lots of hope for her!

  10. I love that picture with her little lips! What a sweetheart. I can't wait to meet Miss Millie. You are a wonderful mother, and I'm so glad Millie has you and Cason to support and love her.


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