
Ten Months Old

Oh, my sweet little Millie.  Where has the time gone?

10 months? Really?!  I can't believe it! 
My Millie girl has changed more in these last few months than she has in her short little life.
She is busy busy busy!  Always moving, crawling, standing, cruising, eating, clapping, waving...whatever it is she is moving constantly!  Lots of bonks, fingers stuck in drawers, and tears these past few months.  Nothing a little hug, kiss and paci can't fix!

She definitely keeps us busy and very entertained.

We're now those parents that you can't even sit and have a conversation with because Millie is crawling out of our hands, and we are trying to keep her from falling...you know...those parents?
But we love it, nonetheless.

Millie is a pro crawler now.  
It's funny, because I felt like right when I hit publish on her nine month post, I looked over and she was crawling perfectly.  How'd that happen?  Everyone has told me that once they start crawling you will wish they never learned how.  I disagree.  I have loved that she can crawl and get around.  That way if she needs something, I don't have to be right there to get it.  But then again, I am sad that my baby girl doesn't need me as much.  Bittersweet.  She crawls and crawls and crawls.  By the end of the day, her poor little chubby knees are bright red.  But it's been great and she seems a lot happier now that she is mobile.

She pulls herself up, walks along furniture and cruises from furniture piece to furniture piece.
She holds on with one hand, and will also balance herself with her tummy so she can use both hands.  I love it.  I wouldn't be surprised if she is walking within the next couple months.  

She still loves food!  
She is starting to not be so into her baby food jars.  I don't blame her!  They are pretty bland.  She wants the yummy human food.  She pretty much eats whatever we eat-which is soooo much easier, but it can be alot messier!  But I love a messy baby.  Her favorites right now are crystal light, yogurt, cheddar cheese cut into little cubes, turkey, ham, noodles, anything that makes a crunchy sound, toast, blueberries, and oranges.

She is quite the singer!
I always sing a tune and say "la, la, la, la, la. la, la, la, la, la, la." (I think it's elmo?)  And she sings right along with me.  It is very monotone, but it is so cute!  It's my favorite!

She's obsessed with the vacuum.
At first she was terrified of it, but I'd put her at one end of the hall and vacuum the other end and she would just sit and watch.  Every time I vacuum, she is intrigued by it.  She sits in a chair and her eyes go back and forth watching my every move.  When it's off, she loves to touch it and is discovering that it won't hurt her.  She gets very excited when I get it out.  Sometimes I'll just vacuum to kill some time because I know she'll just sit in one place and watch.  

She likes the blow dryer, my makeup brushes, my toothbrush, my contact case, Cason's deodorant bottle, hair brushes, combs, my straightener, hairspray bottles...anything that isn't hers that's in the bathroom she loves to play with.  It makes getting ready a little easier.  I just plop her on the counter facing the mirror and she sits and plays with all the things above while I do my hair.  

She loves paper.
She sees a magazine or paper on the floor she crawls so fast over to it before I snatch it up and munches away.  Why do babies like it? It's not sweet and it doesn't taste good.  So why?  Now we have to be a little more careful with what we leave on the ground.

Millie loves to Skype.
We talked to my sister Julianne the other day on Skype and Millie just stared at her with the biggest smile on her face the whole entire time.  She tried to grab her and would touch the screen only to find out she is too far away.  She loves Julianne already!

She likes to clap.
She claps out of the blue quite often and when we say 'yay!' She'll clap...sometimes.
I have realized that with babies it's on their own time clock.  If the don't want to do something, they won't do it.

She loves to scream...again.
The other day in the grocery store we were in the produce section.  She was content playing with a toy I brought for her.  All of a sudden she starts to scream.  It's a happy scream.  And she's smiling while she does it, but it is so loud.  People from across the grocery store stared at me.  She did it again and again and again.  It was embarrassing but cute!

She hates to have her hair done.
And just recently she has learned to pull out her headbands and bows.  Uh oh.  We might have a little Miss Picky on our hands.  She has become more and more opinionated as the months have gone on.   

She loves to go outside.
Every time I get her out of the car she gets so excited and waves her arms and kicks her legs.  Oh, the little things in life.

She has four little teeth and one is on its way out.
Two front bottom teeth, two fangs on the top and one of her front top middle teeth are starting to pop through.  

She smiles when you smile at her and is a happy little girl...most of the time.  
We love her and have loved to watch her every move!

Just munchin on some Cheerio's.  Loved that furrowed brow!

She's obsessed with my camera...I can't take a picture of her without chasing after me trying to grab it.  
So...the cap will have to do! 

Happy 10 months Millie!


  1. Oh my gosh she's cute! I love that shirt she's wearing... Happy 10 months!

  2. Can you believe it? TEN months! That's crazy stuff. We've got the shirt that Millie's wearing, but the pink one and the brown one. That and the fact that the girls all have the same birthday means they were destined to be friends. :) Super cute!

  3. I just want to grab her and kiss thoes cheeks oooo marie love her she is darling. Wow charlie is way behind like way way behind. oh well so I hear boys are slower. Miss you and cant wait to see you. Love ya

  4. Oh my gosh I love her!!! Marie she is growing up!!! She is beautiful!!

  5. What a little cutie. What camera do you have? The pictures look amazing all the time. Before my babe comes I want to get a nice camera to take good pictures! :)

  6. oh my goodness. what a cutie. crawling and standing on their own makes babies seem so much more grown up, don't you think! i love it. great pictures, marie! have you gotten any new lenses? i'm on the hunt.

  7. she is so so so adorable! I love that she has fangs...Ada did too and I thought it was so cute!
    And get ready for personality...little girls are full of drama. it's hilarious and keeps things fun.

  8. Her outfits are so adorable. Where do you shop girl!

  9. Olivia and millie are so much a like, even the vacuum thing! Olivia didnt crawl until ten months, then was walking right after her first birthday. maybe millie will follow that too?


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