
Kissing Cousins

The other day my mom called me and said that it was time to update my blog.  I told her that I just did two days ago...I guess that's not enough!  

Everyday since then, I get texts from her saying, 
"I'm waiting for an update."  
"Still waiting..." 

So...this ones for you mom.

When Wyatt was here, Millie was never bored.  These two did everything together.  

They read books with Aunt Sar together,

they snuggled in their jammies together, 

they even ate yummy pizza Downtown with their moms and Cason together.

They went to Costco together, shared the same cart, and enjoyed a little Diet Coke together.

They were married on the swings together, 

and they cruised the town in their Mustang together.

They enjoyed three seconds of bubbles together, 
but, of course, Millie crawled away.

They went on walks in their twin strollers together, 

they watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse together,

and believe it or not, they played and fought over toys together!
Enjoy this video!
excuse the talking...

Millie and Wyatt Fighting Over Keys from marie green on Vimeo.

Millie misses her kissin' cousin!


  1. SO CUTE!! millie is seriously the most stylish baby i know. want to offer tips?? i absolutely love all of her headbands/outfits.

    and her little ponytail right on top of her head is the best!

  2. Oh they are adorable! Did you get asked at Coscto if they were twins? Those mustang pictures are my favorite ever!

  3. So cute! I wish I could take walks where you do. It looks gorgeous!

  4. So cute! They are so close in age I love it. That video is hilarious! ; )

  5. I love it!!!!! Cute little cousins! What a fun time!

  6. I just have to say that you dress her so cute! Layla and I are jealous :)

    So fun to have babies with your sisters! There's nothing better.

  7. oh they are too cute!!!! having little cousins the same age is the best :)

  8. That video is so funny, they both are just dying to get their hands on the keys!


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