
Beach Day: Grand Haven

While my sister Sarah and her baby Wyatt were here visiting, we made our way to Lake Michigan to hang out at the beach.  It was an overcast rainy day, but we still had a great time!

There were kites flying in the sky, dogs for the kiddies to look at, and great people watching.

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Millie's first encounter with sand...not bad on the eyes and feet. 

This little mister loved the sand!!

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Once we sat this little lady in it, she hated it!  But her dad saved her.
She liked looking at it better. 


We walked on the pier...

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and trudged strollers through the sand. (which is very hard by the way!)

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We finished our day with a corn dog from a little yellow shack called "Pronto Pups."
One thing I'll tell you as that they were mighty good! (and cheap too)

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Then we headed to "The Front Porch" for homemade ice cream on a cone.  
It was to. die. for.!  I haven't stopped thinking about it since. 

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We all had a good time and look forward to many more visits!

We sure miss these two!

Happy Memorial Day!


  1. I grew up with Lake Michigan as our beach too (other side in Chicago) for all we knew, it was the ocean - its so big!

    Millie is darling, as always. And you and your sister look so much alike :)

    Also, sand trudging with strollers is easier when you turn the stroller around and use the pull technique :)

  2. great pictures beaut! looks like i need to take a trip to michigan...

  3. Your daughter is just darling!

  4. cute and fun!! when are you coming to visit utah next? i want to see you!! love you girl

  5. So fun marie! And that little Millie is such a doll, it kills me how fast these babies are all growing up!

    I laughed at your trudging through the sand, we have been there! Talk about a work out! :)


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