

A few weekends ago the weather was nice and warm so we ventured to the park for a picnic.

Picked up a few chili dogs to go

pushed Millie on the swing

Played around

people watched

and enjoyed the beautiful weekend with our family of three.


  1. Im really regretting that Delta deal!! I shoulda just taken the plunge! Can you please get on the job search website (if it exists??) and look under the UTAH tab... then get Cason's resume put together and faxer away!! Then we can do everything we've ever dreamed of! Park everyday, pool everyday, walks/jogs everyday!! PLEASE!!!!! and let Cason read this too!!

  2. How sweet! Looks like a fun relaxing evening! I love her owl shirt!!

  3. love that Green family. I miss you. I second Sarah except do it for AZ. Imagine the possibilities here!!!!!

  4. Pretty much LOVE the pic of her on the swing where she is SO happy. love love love :)


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