
8 months old

Millie is now 8 months old!  She has grown up in a blink of an eye.  It's amazing!

She is growing growing growing.  And still, every night I pray that she will continue to grow.  Why do I do that?  I wish time would just freeze.  

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She loves to eat!  And she'll eat anything and everything...especially what mom and dad have.  She loves to drink out of a cup, and is actually pretty good at it.  She loves to hold and eat her own food like honey wheat pretzels, carrots, bananas, and anything she can grasp and suck/chew on.  She is trying and trying to get that pincer grasp down.  She can't quite pick up Cheerios with those little fingers, but she is getting close.  

She wants so badly to be able to get around and be mobile.  And sometimes I wish she would be too!  (I know I will regret saying that.)  She still does not like her tummy.  She can stand it for a few minutes, but when she's sick of being on her tummy, she'll let you know she doesn't like it.  She wants to crawl, but doesn't quite get it yet.  (any tips? I know it will happen when it happens but...)  She is getting pretty good at standing up on things, but doesn't quite get the concept that if she lets go, she will fall down.  She can pull herself up while we hold her hands or if she has something to grasp onto.  

She has the sweetest hair that is growing long.  She has a very big cowlick in the front center of her head, just like her mama.  Sometimes it's difficult to work with, but hopefully it's not as pronounced when she grows a little more.  

She would rather be sitting up than anything.  She has started to dance when music comes on.  When she is sitting, she will do this cute little scoot on her bum.  And she gets very excited when we sing fun songs and listen to music.  Sometimes she will sing along!  

She loves to look at herself in the mirror.  She tries to grab things through the mirror all the time.  It's quite entertaining to watch.  She is a busy busy girl.  She is into everything, and grabs and wants EVERYTHING!  Especially the things she's not allowed to have.

She enjoys reading books, and loves to turn the pages with a little help.  Anytime she is sad or not in the best mood, just open a book and she will cheer up in no time.  She loves to look at pictures, especially pictures of animals and she loves to hear the sounds they make.

She makes lots of noises and jabbers all day long.  She does this cute little girly squeal (she doesn't scream much anymore) that I absolutely love.  When she smiles she scrunches her nose and squints her eyes.  It is the funniest/cutest thing.

She loves her blankie and her pacifier.  She loves to be snuggled with both right before bedtime.   

She is the sweetest thing and we love our little Millie girl.  We continue to enjoy watching her every move. 


  1. I can't believe what a perfect combo of you and Cason she is!!!!! it's crazy!! What a total doll.

  2. I'm in love with her! She is perfect. Can't believe it has already been 8 months!

  3. Those pictures on the porch are perfect! I'm dying at her cute outfit.

  4. oh my goodness, she is absolutely darling. i absolutely LOVE once babies get mobile. i know not everyone will agree - but it's fun to get a little glimpse into their mind... see what they want, what they like, where they want to go. Plus after crawling comes walking - and walking is my very favorite! Crawling ruins shoes and pants, but walking - walking is wonderful.

  5. I kinda want to squeeze her!!!! SO CUTE!

  6. She is getting sooo big! I miss her! I love, love, love her outfit...so fashionable! Sophie didn't like tummy time either so it's nice once they start crawling and don't have to do that anymore. Glad to see all is well!

  7. Wow she is so beautiful marie!!! I LOVE that first picture so so much! She is growing up so fast!!

  8. Marie those pictures are so cute and fun! I love her outfit! You are the cutest mommy!

  9. What a darling! Time goes by way too fast!

  10. Millie is getting so big! She is sooo adorable! I love her cute little outfits!

  11. gosh, she is cute! where do you get her clothes? I love them. that's funny that we pray for them to grow, huh? Millie is lucky to have you as her mom!


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