
A Pirates Life

Thank you so much for the comments on the space saver and highchair post.  Cason and I read them together and the feedback was very helpful!!

Oh what would a pirates life be like?

Just ask Millie.  She knows!

On Friday, I remembered that I need to get back into the habit of patching Millie's eye.

I absolutely hate doing it.
(and hate is a strong word)

I have only done it one other time since we've lived here.
And I'm supposed to do it everyday.
It is pure torture for the both of us.
But it has to be done to make her weak eye stronger.

So...I opened that patch up.  And started to cover her eye.
She reached and grabbed and pulled at my hands.
She didn't want it.
Well, she wanted it, but not on her eye.
Usually she fusses and cries until the patch comes off.

Not this time!

The first ten minutes passed...not a single tear.
And the next ten minutes...nothing.
Then the next ten minutes...a few whines here and there, but nothing like when I've patched her eye before.

Maybe, it's the remote control that distracted her.  She is in love with that thing.

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And then the patch came off.

I couldn't believe how well those 30 minutes went.
She must not mind the experience of a pirates life.
Either that, or she doesn't quite know how to pull it off yet.

It was a successful patching session, and because of it,
I won't be so hesitant the next time I remember.

Which will hopefully be today.


  1. Cutest baby pirate ever. That is painfully adorable!

  2. Agreed with Brittany!

    You may have already made your decision but I thought I'd give you my opinion encase it helps! I hate high chairs. At least for us we don't have a lot of extra space where we live and they are so big. I got this booster for Bailey when she was old enough to sit with us at the table. But now that I've experienced both once Matthew can sit on his own without the bumbo I am going to use this right away and for go the high chair. In fact we took the high chair to my in-laws so we have something to pull out when we go there to eat. Now she doesn't need it but Matthew will. Hope this helps! Another great thing is it's so easy to take anywhere with you if you need to. We take it on vacations all the time. We normally don't use the tray and just push her up to the table with us but when we go out it's nice to have the tray.


  3. Wow she is so brave!! Go millie! I love that she has a pink patch to match her cute outfit! What a good mama you are always keeping her so cute, even if she has to be a pirate for 30 minutes!!! Love it marie!!

  4. Oh, I feel for you sweetheart! When I was putting Caroline's hearing aids in her ears when she was a baby she didn't know what was up. But when she got that little pincer grasp and figured out where her ears were...it was all over! She would pull them out all the time. I quit putting them in until she was about 13 months old and then the guilt of language development set in and now she keeps them in 90% of the time. It gets easier the older they get and the more they understand. But if you are persistent it pays off. And I have a therapist that comes once a week so I am accountable for getting them in!! She is the cutest pirate baby ever!! And the patch is SO cute!!
    Luvs to you and Millie!

  5. what a cutie!!! soooooo important to get in the habit though, REMEMBER!

  6. i often think about how i would give anything to have my mom know about patching my good eye so my other eye would get better.

    do it for her everyday.

    i guarantee she'll be glad you did.

  7. Poor little thing. I'm glad it went better though... Cute little patch.

  8. good girl, Millie! She is absolutely adorable. I wish we were neighbors so our kids could play :)

  9. i have to say at least she looks cute with the patch! seriously she makes a cute pirate! and seriously marie you are the cutest mom! millie always looks cutie patootie!

  10. I know how Millie feels! I used to sit in the corner and cry when my mom put a patch on me. Looks like they've come a long way though, my mom had to put stickers on my boring tan patches to entertain me when I looked at myself in the mirror.

    She's a doll :)

  11. Oh that is so sad and she is so sweet. She reminds me so much of, I think, Ruby or Cooper -- not sure, but you can tell she's a "Green"!

  12. I'm sure it is such a pain. I have to do it with a 10 year old and it's a pain! Hang in there, anything to make her eye strong while she's young. We were too late for my big one and now it's oh so sad! Hang in there.....she is darling! BTW it was 100 degrees in AZ today and yesterday! Think for a day I'd rather have 45!


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