
Post Surgery Update

These last few days have been quite the emotional roller coaster.  
I think I prefer the unknown a lot better before we met with the doctor 
and knew exactly what was going on.

We experienced quite a miracle!!
Millie's surgery went well.  
Yesterday was a hard day.
Last night was hard too. 
All of this has been hard.
But we're getting through it and that's good right?!

Right when we walked into the recovery room I burst into tears.
It was so hard to see my baby like that and to know what she had to go through.
What's a mom to do?

Relaying the news to my family and Millie waking up at the same time starving!

Today we went to her check up and they took off her eye patch.
I shouted for joy!! 
It was difficult to feed her with that thing on.
It just got in the way...it reminded me of the first few days she was born.

Here is an edited email Cason wrote to our families explaining exactly what happened:
(if you care to read)

We wanted to let you know Millie's surgery was a success!  Yesterday she was diagnosed with a cataract in her right eye which if not removed, would not allow her to see out of that eye.  A cataract is the clouding of the eye's lens.  The lens is what helps our eye focus.  She went into immediate surgery today to have the clouding removed. Once the Dr was in operation, he realized the lens of Millie's eye never developed.  The only remains of a lens was white scar tissue.  In 25 years of performing pediatric surgery, he has only seen a case like Millie's five times.  Once in surgery, there was no "clouding of the eyes lens" because the lens was not there.  He decided he had to clear the scar tissue from the eye and remove the scarred lens completely.  The force it took to remove the scar tissue put a lot of stress and caused her pupil to now be slightly misshapen.  The tissue had to be removed in order for her to see through that eye, the slight misshape to the pupil then was minimal.  The good news is what had to be done was done and it was a success.  The future however is unknown.  The Dr said it is likely that this is not her last surgery.  The fact that she doesn't have a lens in her eye means she will always wear a contact lens and be more suseptive to future complications.  Millie continues to be so sweet through all of this.  The Dr has told us she will not experience much pain in her recovery.

We recognize that the faith, thoughts and prayers of all of you allowed the Dr to perform a successful surgery. 
Thank you for thinking of us, and thank you for your thoughts and prayers. 
We tried and continue to try to email, text and return phone calls...
Even though we weren't able to respond to all, 
just know that they are what keep Cason and me going.
So thank you!!

(Sorry there isn't much explanation of the series of events prior to this surgery.  
That'll have to come another day.)


  1. I can't imagine how hard this is for you and Cason. We love you and Millie and you guys are in our thoughts and prayers. Let us know if we can do anything.

  2. I'm so glad she's okay! Poor little thing! I hope she does great recovering!

  3. What a sweet baby! I love you guys! I'll call soon. Kisses for Millie!

  4. glad to hear it all went good. as much as is sucks watching our kids go through crap like this doesn't it make you feel so thankful to live in a time where we have this technology to do this kind of stuff?! it's amazing really!

  5. Oh, I just can't handle seeing her that way. Poor little thing! I can imagine how you felt, I would have been so emotional too. Glad she can have the patch off. Hope she is doing well.

  6. I'm glad the surgery went well. It is such a miracle what they can do these days. I hope Millie has a quick recovery - we will be praying for your family!

  7. Cason and Marie! I am so sorry you've had to go through this. Seeing your perfect little baby wrapped in medical "stuff" just is so painful and hard to handle. We've been there. I so admire your faith though and your willingness to share that with the rest of us. How blessed sweet little Millie is to have such valiant parents that will always do what's best for her and teach her what's right. Our prayers are with you at this time when your hearts just ache! Good luck!

  8. I'm so sorry your sweet family has to endure this. How hard. I know the feeling of watching your kids come out of surgery- but my kids have been so minor compared to eye surgery. I'm glad that things went well, I hope that her eye heals perfectly! We are thinking of you :) She is so beautiful!

  9. I'm so sorry you guys have to see your sweet baby girl going through so much already. There is nothing worse, than your child in pain. I hope that she is doing better, she is lucky to have such loving parents.

  10. So glad she's doing well and that the surgery was a success! She is lucky to have sweet caring parents like you two....

  11. Bless her heart. Thinking of you and your baby girl! xo

  12. I'm so glad to hear the surgery was a success. We wish you guys strength through all of this and we are thinking of you and Millie!

  13. marie! im so sorry your precious little family have to go through this.
    im so glad the surgery went well though.
    miracles do happen!
    give her lots of cuddles and kisses.
    we will keep her and your family in our prayers.

  14. Marie..I'm so sorry that she has had to endure all of this! You are such a strong woman! I can't imagine being you, her mom, and watching her go through that...even I starting tearing up. We'll keep her in our prayers!

  15. Praying for you. So glad it went well. She is just so precious.

  16. Marie... I am so sorry! I am glad she is doing a little better. You are a strong mommy and I am sure Millie can feel your love and strength! Let me know if you guys need anything!!! love ya!

  17. Marie... I am so sorry! I am glad she is doing a little better. You are a strong mommy and I am sure Millie can feel your love and strength! Let me know if you guys need anything!!! love ya!

  18. So glad to hear millie is doing good! Your family is in our prayers!

  19. I hope you guys are doing alright through everything. We are praying for you and sweet Millie.

  20. i love her soo much! i cant believe how loved she is already at a month & a few weeks.

  21. That's good to hear that the doctor accomplished what he needed. Just know you have a couple more people praying for you guys. Love you!

  22. Marie, I saw you yesterday and baby millie looked so beautiful that I didn't even know your little gal had been through all this. Bless your heart. I am so sorry if I seemed rude and inconsiderate. You are one strong lady! Best wishes with recovery and such.


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