
Tricks for the Everyday Wife

My mother is amazing. She knows every little or big trick there is.
I guess she had to with 7 kids under the age of 9.
Try them! You'll thank me! (or my mom)
Or you might already know them...

To get pen out of clothing or anything for that matter use HAIRSPRAY!.
Spray a few squirts on and throw it in the wash.

I love getting into my bed with newly washed sheets that are crisp and cold.
This trick will do just that!
Throw your sheets in the washer, wash them like normal, and then put them in the dryer.
Don't dry them for the full time. You want them to be a little damp.
Put them on your bed damp.
Don't fully make your bed until they have dried.
Your husbands will be happy!

To get grease out of anything-put Dawn dish washing liquid on the greasy stain.
Put in washer and the grease is gone!
(I feel like I'm doing an infomercial)

I hate that mildewy scent on my kitchen towels that I wipe down the counter with.
Put them in the microwave for 30 seconds (wet of course) and the smell is gone. (I learned this from Cason's mom)

Or if they are white, throw them in the washer with bleach.

To get your house smelling yummy and clean, fill your sink with a little hot water and pour pine-sol or Mr. Clean in. (you kinda need alot) Yum yum!

Happy Housekeeping!!


  1. You are so cute. These are great - thanks! :)

  2. those are great tips! I already knew a couple of them but those are some great tips! Thanks to you and your mom! John would love the damp sheets one!

  3. A couple of those I knew, but not the one where you throw your towells in the microwave! Interesting! I HATE that smell, the mildewy one--I always throw anything away that even has a hint of that. Sometimes I'll find one of the kids t-shirts in a wad out by the pool that had gotten wet and they just left it there. . . . . yeah, in the trash!

  4. I'm going to have to try a few of those out; especially the Dawn for grease of clothes. My kids seem to spill anything that you give them to eat!

  5. Oh my gosh I didn't realize that all of you guys were that close in age. She is so much tougher than I am. I think having TWO in nine years would kill me...let me rephrase, if I had two ELIs, I would not survive.

  6. Nice thanks for the tips!! I just learned one from Carly yesterday. If you boil cinnamon in water...it makes your house smell sooo good! There is another idea! You can also add vanilla to it.

  7. Thanks for the tips! I will definitely try the sheet one. Andrew and I love cold sheets! Hope things are going well Marie! You picture is super cute by the way- where did you get that headband!?

  8. marie, thanks for the tips!! i have to tell you that i did the whole sheet thing yesterday...i am such a weirdo fanatic about my bed-making. anyway...it's such a great idea & our bed not only felt great, but it makes it smell so much better too when you do it that way! anyway, thanks for sharing! :)


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