

No, I did not have my first sip of beer.

No, I did not buy a lottery ticket.

No, I did not get drunk.

No, I did not go to Vegas to gamble.

No, I did not drink.


No, I still won't and still don't drink.

Yes, I did work on my birthday and these were my answers to questions
It was quite funny actually.

I worked from 10-6. Came home.
Cason got off work at 6:30pm, which is very different from his 11:00pm nights.

We made our way over to the local Cheesecake Factory and





and ended it with "The Biggest Loser" at home.

A big thank you to everyone for
the nice texts, comments, emails, phone calls, lunches, dinners, presents, and birthday wishes!

It was a great birthday,
and I am happy to say that

I am now legal to not drink!


all to myself

my dear just sent me this:

this means he is home before 10 pm from work.

just me and him tonight...

and a night out on the town to celebrate!

love him!


activity days

I had to dust off my baby red.

It's been awhile since

I've made something using this contraption.

And boy, did I forget how well it works.

Kitchen aid is genius!

My girls Lindsay and Taylor making cows. (?)

Oh whoops....The cleanup. Disaster!

The finished product. All done!



I was tagged...

Post the rules on your blog
List 6 random things about yourself.
Tag 6 people at the end of your post.

6 Random Things:

I hate changing the toilet paper roll. When it gets down to the last few squares, I try to use as little as possible so it doesn't run out on me. I try and make it run out on Cason, so I don't have to change it. Haha. Mean I know.

I am terrified of spiders. Every time I get in the shower I check behind the faucet, the shower head, and in all the corners to make sure there are no spiders anywhere!

I am left handed and so is my dear.

I love "Tender Whites" popcorn and fancy drinks from Trader Joe's; all while watching a movie.

I have always wanted to start my own company and Cason is eggin' me on...so I just might do it!

I love babies! Everything about them. I wouldn't mind having six right now.

I now tag:

Katie Carter, Desi Fowler, Diana Hulme,
Melissa Neslen, Chelsea Staffieri
, Rachel Orr,
and Audrey Crisp
(I know that's 7)


Teeny Bopper

Cason is in love with Taylor Swift.
Maybe I shouldn't say her, but he loves her songs.
I like her too, but not as much as he does!

her "Love Story" song comes on,
he squirms like a little girl.
It is so funny!
and he knows all the words too!!

Which stars are your husbands in love with?


we went to the beach just cason and me

This weekend, we went to Salt Creek.
It was the perfect day!
I know that I always post so many pictures, but how
could you not
with such a beautiful day at the beach?

It was so nice to get away from all the
that a long week at work can bring.

This 70 degree weather is not bad...

I think I could get used to this.


two thousand nine

This year, we rang in the new year with family.
We all just hung out, ate and played games on New Year's Eve.

On New Year's Day
I worked, we watched football, ate, and just hung out.

One goal I am trying to work on this year is to
run a marathon. (anyone in with me?? seriously.)
I have always wanted to do this, mostly for the feeling of accomplishment and
satisfaction that I finally did one. (when I do)
You always hear of 80 year olds who have ran 50+ marathons in their lives...
what an accomplishment!!!
Maybe I'll be one of them someday.
Now that I've announced it, guess I better get training!
Happy New Year!!


there is light!!

i started school today and boy is it going to be rough!
bring it on!!!
Should be done in one and a half years.

cason took one section of the four CPA tests on Monday, and will take the other this saturday. half way there baby!!
keep chuggin' along.
there is hope and light at the end of the tunnel.

ps. i was asked to speak in church on sunday...i am so nervous!
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