

I was tagged...

Post the rules on your blog
List 6 random things about yourself.
Tag 6 people at the end of your post.

6 Random Things:

I hate changing the toilet paper roll. When it gets down to the last few squares, I try to use as little as possible so it doesn't run out on me. I try and make it run out on Cason, so I don't have to change it. Haha. Mean I know.

I am terrified of spiders. Every time I get in the shower I check behind the faucet, the shower head, and in all the corners to make sure there are no spiders anywhere!

I am left handed and so is my dear.

I love "Tender Whites" popcorn and fancy drinks from Trader Joe's; all while watching a movie.

I have always wanted to start my own company and Cason is eggin' me on...so I just might do it!

I love babies! Everything about them. I wouldn't mind having six right now.

I now tag:

Katie Carter, Desi Fowler, Diana Hulme,
Melissa Neslen, Chelsea Staffieri
, Rachel Orr,
and Audrey Crisp
(I know that's 7)


  1. you're going to have a baby before I get married. haha.

    p.s. too bad we weren't in southern california this weekend or we could've visited you guys!!! But San Fran turned out to be super fun.

  2. I loved learning those 6 random things about you! Seriously, cause its stuff I would never find out any other way.

  3. That is so fun! What company do you want to start? I will do it but I have another post I'm going to do soon so it will have to wait! That is hilarious about the toilet paper!!! i hate changing it too! I also hate it when people put it on backwards~~~ yuck~ ; )

  4. P.S. What business do you want to start?? and I love babies too!!! Pretty much more than life right now!!


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