
can't wait to see...


...and YOU!!


  1. You are so cute, I love your blog. So question- are you not in Provo right now? ARe you going to see family? I'm just guessing- and I bet you will update us all with the big trip soon! Ihope it is a blast. Merry Christmas!

  2. oh make me cry!!! i'm not going to be there. just make a quick stop out here in florida. have so much fun in the snowy snow. love you girlfriend.

  3. Hey girl..Yah that would be great to not have to work anymore! Maybe we just like the idea of having a baby!? HAHA...We live in Woodland Hills! And yes I do love it when the men are thoughtful! Hope your Christmas was wonderful! : )

  4. I love both these pics! Sorry for all my commets, I think I just commented on every post! Ok just a few...

  5. Hope you guys had a great Christmas! I'm def NO celebrity! I just get lucky to meet a few of them! Love your new header!


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