

we just received callings in our new ward! cason will be a sunday school teacher for the 15 and 16 year olds and i will be an achievement day leader for the 10 and 11 year olds. we are very excited to serve in our new ward.

any ideas for achievement days???


  1. cute and fun callings that is so you guys. marie you will be great because you are so creative, and case you will also do great would love to come to your class. Love you guys cant wait to see you soon.

  2. Achievement days is my dream calling! One day...I hope. Have fun and use the Faith In God booklet!

  3. Marie. I'm the Activity Days leader in our ward. I have tons of ideas. Email me or call me - seriously, it's a really fun calling.

  4. congrats. go to sugardoodle.net...that helps me out.

  5. marie!!!! you are in latter day bride, how cool! i want to see the actual magazine, i just saw it on your photographer's blog - how cool. you're gorgeous. :)

  6. You guys will be so great at both those things (respectively) --I have an 11 year old in Achievement Days and she loves it. I'll ask her what makes her enjoy it and some of the stuff they've done that was her fav. Good Luck to Cason with those 15/16 year olds, that can go either way. . . . great or awful!

  7. Great callings for you guys! You will both be great with the youth. Have so much fun in Utah and have a great Christmas! We miss and love you guys!

  8. Hi guys! We live in Costa Mesa now and would love to hang out sometime soon. We are off to Costa Rica for Christmas but maybe when we get back?! Also, can you send me your address at brooklynannholmes@gmail.com. I want to send you a Christmas card:)

  9. I second the "sugardoodle" site. Great ideas for any "girlie" callings!

  10. That's soo fun!!! My mom was my achievement day leader when I was a little one and we did tons of fun stuff. she will have lots of ideas. call her! I'll try to think too. I wish we were going home for christmas. i miss my pooky face. love you and Merry Christmas!!!

  11. Ah we teach the Sunday School class of 15, 16, and 17. We laugh because the guys always try impressing the girls by being funny and some of the girls can't seem to put there phones away! Seriously annoying! Good luck with that. I have no ideas for the achievement days. You will do awesome though!


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