Spring is when all the flowers start to
bloom, the grass turns
green, the trees start budding, the sky turns
blue, the sun comes out, birds start
chirping and sprinklers start rolling, shorts begin to appear on white
pastey legs, and
swimsuit shopping starts.
Summer rolls around and the sun is
hot, tans and burns show, the smell of
hamburgers fill the air,
lemonade stands come into sight,
chlorine smell never leaves, and lazy days are present.
Fall begins and school starts, the closets fill with
jackets, jeans and long sleeves, summer tans
hibernate until next year, the leaves start changing and falling, the air turns
crisp and there is a chill that fills the air. The
holiday season is just around the corner, colds
creep in, and the parks become more empty.
Pumpkins start to appear on door steps, and decorations become visible.
This time of year is when delicious recipes begin! Pumpkin flavors desserts, hot chocolate is sipped and everything is so
tasty around this time of year. A few of my favorite things that I enjoy in these few months are:
Cheesecake Factory's Pumpkin Cheesecake
(you have got to try it!)
Homemade Artichoke Dip, hot chocolate,
and caramel
Oh how I love this time of year!
(ps I know I didn't say anything about winter. That will have to come another day.)