
Halloween Visitors

This past weekend my sister Sarah and her husband Jeff decided to be our first visitors!! We were so excited to see them! We went to the Spectrum, ate dinner at Cheesecake Factory, shopped around and ate Golden Spoon.

Then on Saturday night we were feeling festive so we carved pumpkins and made caramel apples.

It was such a fun weekend and I am so glad Sarah and Jeff came to visit us!! Who's next to come visit??


  1. What is that adorable cardigan. I love it.

  2. Can I be next?? Haha I miss you Roie and this looks so fun and FALLISH. Your husbands are so lucky to have you guys. Tell them I said that :)

  3. wait... aren't you supposed to entertain us?? haha j/k i want to entertain you girlfriend. we'll come out there if you come out here first. good plan! love you.

  4. Oh I love Sarah!! Tell her hello!! Looks like a ton of fun!!

  5. Looks like a lot of fun! Now you have me craving carmel apples! It's so fun to have visitors when you live away from your family.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Yum on the carmel apples! How fun to have your sister and her husband visit. I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of your new place. Good luck on moving!

  8. you two are so festive. and if we make carmel apples mike and I will come down asap!


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