
Queen of the House

This little lady thinks she owns the place!
She throws pillows off the couch, and climbs all over it.  

She also thinks that every single cupboard and drawer is okay to get into.  No matter how many times I tell her, or say no no no, or take her away from it, she still goes back and snoops through everything.  My house is pretty much a disaster most of the time.  I can't stop her!  Once I do, she's onto the next thing.  

She can also be a very good helper.  She's obsessed with the dishwasher.  Every time we empty it, she takes out the dishes and hands them to us.  I can't wait till she can empty the dishwasher on her own. That's the one and only reason I want her to grow.  :) 

She thinks everything is hers, which she has every right to think, since she is the only child for now.  

She can own the place.  Cason and I don't mind.  And it's quite entertaining when she's not making a mess!  

Love this girl!


  1. So cute! Jack is the same way. I feel like I pick up after a Tasmanian devil! It's a whirlwind of a mess. Millie is getting so big and cute!

  2. hahaha! im laughing. she is the funniest little thing!!

  3. Oh no! I'm just waiting for this day to happen. haha!

    Question: you mentioned that you get your headbands from a sister or sister-in-law...I can't remember...does she have an etsy?

  4. sheesh what a little babe! she's so darling


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