
Update on Millie's Eye

For those who are wondering...here is an update (in a nutshell) on Millie's eye.

(isn't she cute?? I love her!)

We finally got her into the doctor here.  There are only a handful, and of course, we wanted the best care (as any parent would) for our Millie...so we waited and waited.  

Got her in.  

He answered lots of unanswered questions, although there is still some unknown.

He evaluated her.
Her pressure was up.  37!!!  It's supposed to be below 20.  We are now putting drops in her eye twice a day.  Since the first appointment we've had her pressure checked again, 15-17.  The drops are working! No surgery. 

She has a condition called PHPV.  It stands for Persistent Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous.  Which is where the space at the back of the eye, behind the lens, is normally filled with a clear jelly.  This jelly is called the vitreous.  Millie was born with a hazy, scarred vitreous.

She also has optic nerve hypoplasia.  Her optic nerve didn't fully develop.  At this time, we (meaning the doctor) don't know how developed it is.  Time will tell. 

They don't know what caused it.  It is just a birth defect.  Her eye just didn't grow normally in those first few weeks of development.  

Now, she wears a contact, because her lens in her eye is gone.  This contact takes place of the lens.  Did you ever know that babies could wear contacts?  Neither did we.  Do we hate changing it?  YES!  Are we good at changing it everyday?  No.  But we are trying to get better.  It is complete torture to us, as parents, and to Millie as well.  So we try to take it out and clean it once a week.  Then we'll move it to every three days and hopefully we'll get so good at taking it out and putting it in that it will become part of our daily and nightly routine.  Baby steps.  Baby steps.  

We will continue to have her pressure checked.  And hopefully it stays down.  If not, she will have to get surgery...we are hoping and praying that it continues to do well.  And so far it has!  

We are still patching Millie's good eye.  (is that horrible I call it the 'good' eye and the 'bad' eye?)  This strengthens the defective eye so that it will follow with the other eye and give her the best possible vision for her.  She doesn't like it, and will pull of the patch.  We are getting really good at distracting her!

Can she see? Yes, she can see perfectly.  Just with one eye, and possibly with the other...just not like as you and I see with both eyes.  But hey, she doesn't know any different.  So how she sees is how you and I see.  She does run into walls, tables, chairs, etc. quite often, but who knows if that is due to her eye or just because. 

So that's the update. 

I always tell myself...it could be worse!  We are so grateful and blessed!

see more about her eye. here.


  1. She is so stinkin cute! We will keep her in our prayers...hope she doesn't have to have surgery! Miss you guys!

  2. First off, love the new blog design. Second, Im so glad the drops are working. And you are right, she doesnt know any better. I had really bad eyesight and didnt even know it. How did you know she had a problem? Anyways, she is darling!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. glad she's doing well! i'll say a little prayer for her! love ya

  5. She is so darling. I am glad she is doing well.

  6. Thanks for the update, I had been wondering. You are so great and positive about it all - there is no doubt that Millie will have no big problems with it seeing her mom shed such positive light on it all.

  7. Oh good!!! Millie is so cute! Hope the pressure stays down! She is in our prayers!

  8. I just love Millie's little outfit, oh-she is so cute! Can't wait to see her and you guys. I had been wondering how her eye was doing. Glad you got her into a doctor. Hope things continue to look up.

  9. I was
    Wondering how it was doing... thanks for the update! So sorry you guys have to deal with this. No fun. Glad she's doing okay. Shes so cute! You have a great attitude! It could always be worse. I'll keep my fingers crossed for no surgery!

  10. happy she is doing good :) i'll keep little mill in my prayers. Love you guys!

  11. LOVE your blog makeover. So cute. and olivia runs into things too, so I dont think its the eye :)

  12. what a CUTIE!! oh she's adorable. and so stylish!! if you are lacking for blog content...feel free to post a "baby style guide" :) i need suggestions on where to find cute baby clothes!!

    glad to hear she is doing well. she couldn't have gone to better parents! hang in there!

  13. such a sweetie pie! love her! are you coming into town for the 4th? miss you!!

  14. Thats so crazy. contacts and pressure? wow. poor Millie- but she is so dang cute. you are guys are the best parents. She is so blessed to have parents who care so darn much. what a cutie!!

  15. I love your optimism, you are wonderful. I hope you guys are enjoying the summer! Your Millie is a doll!


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