
Pizza & Ice Cream

These past few days I felt like I got hit by a semi.  Millie had a fever Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and I caught something yucky that I've had the past four days and counting, and Cason was sick a couple weeks ago.  Hopefully we are on the upward mend and slowly passing this bug!  It is not welcome again in our home.  I do have to say, it is very hard to be a mom and a wife while sick.  Thank goodness for Yo Gabba Gabba, Baby Einstein's and the biggest help of all, my dear husband!

On Friday night, before we were bedridden, we decided to venture out on the town.  We enjoyed a free large three topping pizza at our local Peppinos.

Doesn't that pizza look so greasy good?!




Then finished it off with chocolate vanilla custard mixed with Reeses at Custard by the Dam.  Heavenly!


Isn't this the cutest custard shop?  Hot pink walls and checkerboard flooring...fun!

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My poor baby girl...getting sicker by the hour.  It's so sad to see your baby sick and so helpless.  Lots of cuddling time!


It was a fun, delicious date night with just our little family.


  1. We've been sick over here too. NO fun! Even though she's sick, Millie is still adorable!

  2. Sorry you've been sick over there. that sucks. That little ice cream shop is adorable. free pizza? what the? That's awesome! Hope you all get better asap!

  3. sick babies are no fun (except for the extra cuddling!) Family Date night looks like a blast...I think we're going to do pizza and root beer and watch the BYU game tomorrow night. Sometimes I think the simple "dates" are the best.

  4. My little babe was sick all last week, it was awful! I love snuggle time, but I absolutely hate how she looks at me like "mommy, what' wrong with me!?".

    Sick mommy's always deserve a night off from cooking, and especially deserving of yummy food :)

  5. I can't get over little Millie, she is just the cutest little thing, especially in her cardigans! So sorry you guys were sick, glad you are on the mend. (By the way this is from Whit)

  6. Poor little mills! I hope she is feeling better!! I looked at flights. I'm going to purchase one after I get back from UT! yay!

  7. That picture of you and millie is to die for! so cute!

  8. These pics make me miss you guys! I am glad you are all getting better and looks like you are having a good time out there:) Miss you though!

  9. That Custard place looks just like the ice cream shop we went to in the Bahamas! So cute!


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