
January 2011

Cason was offered a new job and it looks like we will be taking it! 


  1. oooh, congratulations!!! what fun news...moving is always a challenge but such a fun time. michigan! what an adventure. i know you'll love it and i'm sure you'll make lots of new friends (you're so good at that). and you have some time to pack up and get ready for the move, so that's nice.

    by the way, i loved millie's announcement! so pretty - that picture was beautiful! :) thanks for including us!

  2. Well now Brian and I have 2 reasons to come visit. Love ya, very sad that your moving so far away!!!

  3. crazy crazy. but it will be great. and the pics above are really gorgeous!

  4. Wow, congrats! What an adventure, how fun!

  5. So exciting! I love new adventures. And it looks beautiful there. I'm so happy for you! When is the move date?

  6. wow that's so exciting for you guys! it's always fun to live in a new place- it's amazing how many people you meet and how much you learn! it will be a great adventure!

  7. that is so exciting!!! It looks gorgeous there!

  8. Interesting! I'm sure it's beautiful there! We might move soon too...

  9. This literally makes me want to cry. I can't believe you guys are moving... :( It does look beautiful there though. Jono and I need to get our Green Time in before you leave.

  10. Marie! That will be so much fun! It's always hard to move again but you will learn to love a whole new area. Is this a permanent move or just a certain amount of time? Good luck!! and cheers to new adventures!

  11. Marie!! that is so exciting! what a great new adventure for your little fam!! and guess what! now you are closer to me... :) love you!

  12. Oh my goodness! How great. This will be an exciting adventure for you guys:)

  13. I'm not gonna lie. We are sad :(

  14. Marieee! How exciting! I did my 5th grade report on Michigan and I have wanted to visit there ever since. haha. Can't wait to hear all about it!

  15. exciting beaut! it looks gorgeous! hope you guys are happy about the new move! love ya

  16. fun! where will he be working? love your family pic!

  17. Congrats Marie! Dan and I are here in Cleveland for the next 4 years. We are only 4-5 hours away from you. If you ever come visit Kirtland, we would be more than happy to have you stay with us! Good Luck with the move!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Congrats!!! You'll have a great time! We will miss you but please keep us extra posted as your family has new adventures and of course, as Millie grows. :)

    P.S. Looks like Disneyland and Michigan both have the same speed limit.

  20. MARIE! I cant believe that is where you are moving. Ted interviewed there and LOVED it. He really really wanted to go there but he liked the program at pittsburgh better. I am excited for you!

  21. Yeah i am so excited for you!!! How fun! That is going to be an adventure!

  22. Congratulations! I have friends from there! It is beautiful and you will be beautiful there too. I can't believe what a cute chubber your little Millie has turned into! Love it!

  23. , Im so sad you guys are leaving. But im sure its a great opportunity.


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