
It's a Girl!

Yes, it's true!  We already found out!  Many people have been asking how we found out so early.  But with modern technology they say you can find out as early as 13 weeks if the baby will cooperate.  With a cold sweet Jamba Juice, a few jumping jacks, and reaching to touch my toes baby girl cooperated!  There is a place here that will do it for a really good price, so we thought why not?  They say it is 99% accurate.  It's not 100% confirmed until baby is born with any ultrasound.  But 99%??!!  That's pretty positive.  We are so excited!!!  

Cheers to baby girls!


  1. oooh, how fun! she's going to be so cute. congrats.

  2. Congrats! That's so exciting!

  3. Girls. Are. The. Best. :) Congratulations! She's going to be beautiful!!!

  4. oh yay! girls are the best. you need to visit target.. they have the cutest baby girl clothes all the time! (Thats where I got Scarlett's sweater you asked about. Dwell Studio brand.)

  5. oh girls are so fun! congratulations! that is so exciting.

  6. woohooo!! that is such exciting news! babies are seriously the best. now you just need to put some pictures up so we can all see that cute bump of yours :)

  7. OH MY GOSH!!!!! I'm so excited for you two, Marie--you are going to have to try and resist buying all the precious little girl things you see!

    I love that you asked Cas if I was really 29! That's funny! My guess is you were pretty sure I wasn't. I just want to keep turning 29. I don't know why "aging" is so hard on me mentally! I'm really 35, born the year before Ash. I don't know if Cason already told you this but I think it's kind of cool, my Mom is just older than Beth and had me first. Then Beth's 4 kids and my 4 siblings were all born within two months of each other. Ash & Austin are 1 month apart, Chelsea & Jordan are almost 2 months apart, Whit & Danny are almost 2 months apart, and Cason & Avery are 2 months apart. & they are also the opposite sex every time.

    Sorry for such a long comment! But CONGRATS ON THE GIRL AGAIN! :)

  8. YAY!! I'm so excited. I'll agree with you- cheers to baby girls. I think its best to have them first ;)
    So we had one done at 13 weeks and they said she was a boy....haha but that was 4 years ago sooo technology is way better. CONGRATS!
    ps where is pics of that cute baby bump!

  9. Congratulations! Girls are so great!...and SO fun to shop for!!

  10. Congrats! That is awesome! Girls are so fun!! You get to do so many more... well girly things! It's awesome!

  11. Congrats!!!! So fun. Let's see that baby bump.

  12. congrats you will be the best "girl" mommy!! Let me know If you wan to do a maternity shoot, newborn shoot (ill be there doing mini sessions in late august) or a family shoot this fall whatever you want Ill be waiting.. congrats again sweetie..!

  13. CONGRATS!! How exciting! I am so happy for you guys!

  14. So excited for you guys! She is going to be one lucky girl

  15. congratulations! Marie, since you are so crafty, your little girl is going to be lucky to be covered in frills & bows! I can't wait to see everything you come up with :)


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