
Baby #1

Ever since I can remember I have loved little babies. My four sisters, our neighbor (who was like a sister) and I would play “house” all day everyday. In the summer we would each have our babies and pick our houses throughout the yard. Whether it was on the front porch, on the playground or just a spot on the grass. We drove our bikes around, stopped at pretend stoplights, and made u-turns just like we were really driving. We would run errands with my parent’s expired credit cards, go through the drive-thru bank to get fake money, and pick up our mail in our mailboxes made out of tennis shoe boxes. We wrote checks out to each other when one would babysit for the other, and we would even do little play dates with all the moms and kids. The husbands were at work, and we would stay home and play mom. It was just like the real thing. Our babies would cry, we’d feed them, change their diapers and put them down for naps. It was a girls dream come true!
When I was little at all the family gatherings, my sisters and I would take turns with the newest baby. Sometimes we’d fight if the sister was holding the baby for too long and was hogging the poor child. But eventually we all got our turn. We all loved little babies. When it was my turn, I would prop them on my hip and walk around holding them with one hand thinking I was the best little holder out there. I loved it! It never got old.Even to this day it still doesn’t get old. My sisters and sister in laws have had babies and I have loved and still love each one of them. I still love to see them, hold them, play with them, cuddle them and kiss their little cheeks.

Ever since I have been married I have dreamt of having my own babies. I thought I would wait at least two years just to have my own time with Cason and then consider having babies. But when you get married it all changes. Once I was married and knew that I could actually have babies, I wanted one and longed for one even more. How could I wait two years?? That was far too long. Time flew and now being married almost two years this coming May, we decided we couldn’t wait much longer. My dream of becoming a mother will come true in August. I can’t even believe it!
All that practice growing up will hopefully pay off and I will get to do all those things again but with a real baby this time. I know that it will be a lot of work, but I can not wait to hold this little child and love him/her as much as those babies I once fought over.
With all the emotions that come along with pregnancy and the reality that we really are going to be parents, we are more than excited for this new little addition to come into our family. I’ll admit I am nervous, scared, and humbled by it all. But I am so excited to be a mom and cannot wait to hold my baby, cuddle him/her and kiss those little cheeks.


  1. YAHOOOOO! i'm so happy its on your blog now-so i can finally tell people. its been on the tip of my tongue since you spilled the beans to us. this is a sweet little post sis.
    SO EXCITED for cason & marie junior.
    a new little peanut for me to spoil! cant wait.

  2. Congrats guys! You are going to be great parents! Babies are the best!

  3. Yay!! I have been waiting for this post for a long time! You guys will be the best parents and I am so excited for you two!!! It is such a wonderful but emotional experience!!!!

  4. yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! oh marie, you will be the best mother. congratulations to the both of you!! babies are so so special :)

  5. Congrats chica! Now if only My husband would get on board too! He's not going to be "ready" for awhile!

  6. I was waiting for this post. Should I tell you again how excited I am?!!! I can't wait to be a godmother ;) This little baby is going to be so loved!!

  7. congrats!!! how exciting! being pregnant is the best ( well i think it is lol) feeling the babe kick is so awesome!! cant wait to hear what your having!

  8. As much as you love those little babies you will love your baby SOOOO much more! I don't mean that rude to the other babies, you just love your children more then anything! I don't know how to describe it. Coming August you will know! Yay! Congrats to you guys. I am so excited for you!

  9. i'm so excited for you beaut! you're babies are going to be soooo dang cute. baby gap model material! haha i can't wait! love your guts!

  10. i'm so excited for you beaut! you're babies are going to be soooo dang cute. baby gap model material! haha i can't wait! love your guts!

  11. How exciting! I had a hunch when there was biggish gaps between your posts. This is GREAT news, Marie! I can't wait for all your updates!

  12. Congratulations! I hope all goes well with the pregnancy. I'm sure you'll be fantastic parents. How exciting for you both!

  13. Congratulations!! I am truly excited for you. Nothing is better than being a mom!

    Ps I was having lunch with a friend who knew you, and we were talking how cute you are. We should be friends. Is that weird? I hope not :)

  14. You are going to be the best Mommy!! Congratulations!!!!

  15. congratulations you guys! this is great news! you both will be such a good mom and dad!! so exciting!

  16. awww : ) . you and kate will go through this together. me and Juls dream. haha. Marie I am soo excited for you two!! You are so amazing and I know that you will make one heck of a mommy. congratulations!!

  17. Oh, congratulations!!! What wonderful news. :)

  18. So glad it's official now! I heard you went to the doctor and are a week further along than you expected, that's great! We are so happy for you guys, you will be the best parents!

  19. I almost skipped down while reading that post! I was soooo curious if that is where you were going . . . CONGRATS! I'm thrilled for both of you. You will be a wonderful mother, and I know Cas well enough to know he will be wonderful too!

  20. Congratulations, Marie and Cason! What exciting news. I'm happy for both of you, and I know you'll be amazing parents.

  21. congrats!!!! what fun news. being parents is the BEST. you are going to make one fantastic mommy!

    hope you've been feeling good! the first trimester is usually the hardest but it gets better!

    congrats again :)

  22. I thought that is what you might have been announcing when I started reading this! I am so excited for you guys!! You really are going to be such a great mommy marie, and of course cason a great dad. so so happy for you! can't wait to meet this beautiful baby.

  23. Could NOT be happier for anyone! Not too many things in life more exciting than that first pregnancy and first baby! Hope all goes well and can't wait to see if it's a girl or boy! The Greens are catching up with us! I want a new grand baby!!! Maybe soon. So happy for you both! Congrats! A. Debi

  24. Jess told us the other night and I was so excited for you! Congrats! I hope you have been feeling okay. You are going to be an incredible mom-esp with all that practice after nannying for the Gallands:)

  25. Wow, how exciting! You are adorable, and you are going to be a great mom!!! I'm so happy for you guys!

  26. Congrats Marie and Cason! That is awesome! I'm sure all your practice will pay off:) Too cute! Enjoy every moment!!

  27. yay yay yay ayayyyyy!! LOVE you! I haven't been feeling well the past couple days. more like sore throat, popping ears, no sleeping - so not really "pregnancy" symptoms but yucky. how are you feeling? i'm TOTALLY showing by the way. so fun. wish we lived by each other but we'll just have to make lots of road trips when we get back to utah. love your guts and sooooo excited for you (and me haha)!

  28. I am so excited for you and Cason! You will be amazing parents because you are such incredible people to begin with; now when I see you our kids can play together. Funny how life changes so quickly but for the better:) You will now officially be a "HotMama!"

  29. That's exciting! It's a good thing you liked all the running errands, play dates, changing diapers, etc while playing dolls because it is that and more. You'll be a fantastic mom since you recognize all that a baby entails and seem to love it all. Enjoy it all!

  30. YEAH!!! Grandma actually told me without any hesitation (like everyone knew) a couple weeks ago and I was the most excited!! I went to your blog to comment on it, but you hadn't posted it yet, so I called my mom that day and she told me that you weren't exactly telling people yet. Leave it to Grandma to tell everyone! :) She's hilarious.. SO I'm so glad it's okay to say CONGRATULATIONS now!! I'm sooo happy for you guys. There's nothing like that first baby. Hope you're feeling well Marie!

  31. congrats!! i can't wait to read your pregnancy updates!

  32. Okay so I haven't really looked at other's blogs lately...and so when I clicked yours, and it was loading, the thought came in my head, I bet she's pregnant..(because i hadn't seen your blog in the longest time) and then that's the post i saw! haha! weird feeling. congrats to you both!! so exciting!!!

  33. CONGRATS!!! You will be the best mom ever marie!!!!

  34. 33 comments...holy crap you have lots of friends:) ha ha. Anyway...Congrats again!! I am sooo excited for you guys! You will be amazing parents!!

  35. congrats!!!!!! oh I am so excited for you! You will be a fantastic mother! And I totally remember playing house...do you remember pretending like our water bottles were our car stick shifts? Maybe that was just me a Sarah but this definitely brought back good memories! congrats again!!!

  36. Marie--I still can't quite get over you Burr girls being married, let alone having BABIES!!! What a great mom you will be, especially with the great example of your own mother. She's the best. I love you girls so much--your family was a huge part of my life, and I am SO excited for you. That little bumpkin inside you is one lucky baby to be coming to such an awesome couple. Congratulations!

  37. Congrats! I'm so excited for you!

  38. YAY!!! I was that practically sister you were talking about! I miss those days! That was so much fun! We had a lot of fun together, we played so many different things together, all of us!

  39. Congrats! That's so exciting! I hope you've been feeling good, morning sickness is the pits!


  41. well i guess i'll be the freaking 42 comment - if you couldn't tell marie, everyone's been waiting for this day. you have nothing to be scared about (though really i have no idea what motherhood is like). you were made for this, i'm sure of it. love you!

  42. YAAAAAAAY!!!! I'm SO EXCITED FOR YOU! :) I hope you're feeling okay... HOW EXCITING!! You'll be a GREAT mom, and yes, it's a lot of work, but a lot of fun too :) SO EXCITED! PS- loved your comparison of me to the bday package on Toy Story- :) I've seen it, hilarious, you're right :)

  43. yay marie!! :) i'm so excited for you!

  44. How the freak do you know so many people to have 44...now 45 comments?? Congrats, we are so happy for you guys!!

  45. Congratulations Marie. That is so exciting.

  46. congrats! so exciting! you will be the cutest mom! ps you are very popular with all your comments!

  47. Ok, so I'm so dumb! I only read the 1st paragraph and last sentence of this post! I skipped the most important part. I guess that'll teach me not to skip over anything anymore! My mom told me on Sunday, but I had to read this post again to see if that's where you announced it. And sure enough it was!

    Congratulations! That's so exciting!

    Love you!


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