
just add a little frosting

Every girl young or old needs a headband or two.

Lylalou’s has just that!

They have added new headbands, baby headbands and flowers.

They even have a clearance section and a 20% off special going on!

Click HERE to "frost yourself"!


  1. Hey - thanks for the plug Marie! That is a beautiful post! I need some computer lessons from you!

  2. you're so sweet. i'm flattered you would peek at my blog. sarah is so nice...

    your blog is darling and you guys are a cute little couple.

    ok, so i have the nikon d40x. i love it! it's been an awesome starter dslr. in that post, actually i just shot in auto because if i try to shoot manual with sun flare shots, they always come out weird. i definitely need practice with that:) but i don't know, i just change my settings depending on different lighting, etc. i usually shoot in RAW so that in photoshop, if things are over-exposed or underexposed they're easier to fix if you've shot in RAW. sorry, i'm not too much help. but feel free to email me if you have any more questions, although can't guarantee i'll be able to answer them b/c i'm just learning!


  3. isn't 'frost yourself' from that movie with kate hudson and matthew m. ? Haha.

    i'd totally look into this but drew hates when i wear headbands. what the heck. i think they're so adorable on girls.


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