
Bonnie Bon

Yes, we are still alivejust been busy with finals, CPA tests, school and jobs. A little update on us:

Cason passed his 3rd CPA exam and took his 4th. Which is the LAST one!! Hallelujah! Praise the heavens! Now we are just waiting on results. Cross your fingers!

I started school on Monday and boy has it been a rude awakening! Not the actual school part, but the world that we live in. Can I just say how terrified I am to raise my children in this world?? There are some sick people out there.

This last week Cason had some pretty late nights. One night he didn’t get home till 1:30AM! I am starting to rethink his joband I think he is too!

I start work at 7am now instead of 9:30am. It is killing me! I was getting up before at 6:15am ish, but to go to work at 7am?? it's tough. (I do like it better though)

We are supposed to be moved out by the end of Octoberwhat do we do?? Why does CA have to be so darn expensive?

I live in a pretty quiet world! I wake up..Cason is already gone to work or is still sleeping, I go to school..don’t talk to anyone because either they are smoking, talking about how they are 7 weeks pregnant and don’t know how to tell their mom because their mom hates their boyfriend, or I don’t know anyone, and then I come home and Cason isn’t home yet. So I eat dinner by myself. Pretty quiet!

Last weekend some of our dear friends from UT came to town. We always try to get together with them whenever possible because we don’t see them much and we love hanging out with them!

We went down to T-Street,

ate a bucket o chicken from KFC,

chatted while the boys surfed

roasted marshmallows

and ate yummy s’mores!

Instead of chocolate we substituted Reese’s peanut butter cupsMMM!!!

after we left, Case and I went to get gas and this is what we saw. What does she think she's going to find in a Ralph's dumpster? Raw chicken?

Lots of (weird) people here in CA dig through dumpsters to find things they can recycle...you get money for it. Not a lot though. Only a few cents for every bottle you bring in. Not worth it to me!

(she was so engaged in her "digging" that she didn't even notice us taking this picture. flash and everything.)


so..that's us in a big nutshell!


  1. marie hi! where are you going to school? did you decide on a major? if so - congratulations! if not - it's okay, i just changed mine AGAIN. i'm excited to see you in a couple months!

  2. that is hilarious about the dumbpster diver. I saw people looking through the trash back in CA too. People are definitely freaks out there!

    That is sad you are by your self so much. I wish I could hang out with you. Can you just move to London so we can hang out? : )

    That is great that Cason took his last exam!

    Fun times with friends from Utah. I miss Utah all the time! Where are you guys going to move to?

    How do you post bigger pictures? Do you have to change the html size or something?

  3. wow crazy lady! Where are you guys moving to? love ya and miss ya mucho!

  4. I feel ya on being alone so much. So I do have bailey which is the best and I love her to death and every moment with her but some adult interaction is really good every once in a while. I know we are only in Salt Lake and I can really get down to Provo when ever I want but it's a lot of work and an entire days of work. It's hard once you have kids. We have friends up here but it's just not the same as the girl friends in Provo. I don't feel like I can call them and just say come over lets play. It's weird growing up huh? Hopefully Cason can soon be home more. One day right? That's what I keep telling myself! haha Goodluck!

  5. haha marie i totally have that green and pink scrapbook jacket. what is that, #2? i wonder how many other items of clothing we have in common :)

  6. Life gets crazy busy! It kind of stinks. We should meet at the mall when our husbands are busy. We are friends right? Even if we haven't met. Though I think you work at the drs office I go to.

  7. Man aren't people sooo weird?! I mean there are no words to that picture haha I'm totally speechless!

  8. ok I am so trying that for snores next time!!!YUM! darling pics, looks like you guys had a BLAST!

  9. I've got an idea...MOVE HOME!

  10. Glad to hear your update! You guys are busy! And yes, it IS crazy in Cali :) Glad you got to hang out with some UT friends and have SO MUCH FUN!!!! And LOVE the dumpster pic :) Did you watch that Oprah (a long time ago) about people who dumpster dive for food? SERIOUSLY- food that the stores have to throw out but is still "good"? Who knows, maybe that's what she was doing? Seems more logical than recycling for all that work- but who knows. I still COULDN'T DO IT! Unless, I was living on the streets and LITERALLY had NOTHING to eat!

  11. I remember those days when you are first married and see each other is passing. Man am I getting old to be saying...oh well. As always you look fabulous, take care my Ghetto Booty sista!

  12. It's too bad we just missed each other in school by a couple of years, otherwise we could have endured the social black hole of Saddleback together. I know your pain lady…hopefully you won’t have to be there as long as I did :) Its funny b/c I can 100% relate to what you wrote! Hang in there!

  13. hi marie, it's A. Debi. I enjoy your blog, but try to avoid "blogs" in general because I get addicted. Anyway, I could relate to so much of what you said. My life is "quiet" like yours at home. You think there are crazy people in California -- come to Sao Paulo Brasil! Whooo. I don't go anywhere. I went to Saddleback once for some college classes. scarey place. Your children will be good though. No worries! Hope all is well with you and "the little guy". Does anyone have pictures of baby Cooper???

  14. hi marie! found your blog through some mutual friends...so glad to see you have one! adding you to the blog roll. let's get together again before we leave. hope you are doing well...xoxo laura (and cort)

  15. WHAT?? Where you moving to? You can call me anytime...remember Brandon isn't home much...my kids go to bed early. So we can hang out, eat and watch tv together:)


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