

This little lady is in town and we have been having a blast!!!

We went to church today and enjoyed listening to great words spoken about our Savior Jesus Christ and our country.
Sang the Star-Spangled-Banner. (it was a lot more powerful with the organ)
I am proud to be an American!!
Came home, took naps, went visiting teaching with the last few days that are left, and made dinner.

After dinner we decided to go to the park and play a little smashball..
They played while I took photos.

It was great to get out of the house on the sabbath and enjoy this beautiful summer weather!!

We are loving it!

And we are getting very anxious for the 4th!


  1. My name is Lindsay Clyde... I am also a sister that Wishes I had gone to California too! Love you RO!

  2. why THANK you for such a fun week!
    i LOOVE you!


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