
Ivy: 12 months old

Ivy's 12 Month Stats:

75th percentile
Weight: 25 lbs 8 oz
95th percentile

Our baby girl turned one on the 9th of April.  Tears!  We can't believe another first birthday has come and gone.  But we are happy that she is healthy, growing and happy.  Such a bittersweet milestone.

This little lady loves loves loves her sis.  She is always looking for her.  We can already tell these two are going to be quite the troublemakers together.  They kinda already are.  Millie and Ivy are the best of friends.  They watch out for each other, and Ivy cries when Millie cries and is very concerned when she's not happy.  They love each other and we really love to see their relationship and how they interact.

She loves dad.  She gets so excited when he gets home from work.  She crawls really fast over to him and waits at his feet for him to pick her up. 

She gives great snuggles.  If you tell her to give you snuggles, she will nuzzle her head into you and give you loves.  So sweet.

Ivy loves the bath.  She gets really excited when it's time to get in and fusses when it's time to get out.  She loves to try to grab the water-and it is my favorite to watch.  

She loves animals, but mostly ducks.  Whenever she sees a duck it sounds like she is trying to say "quack!" or "duck."  Ask her what a lion says, and she roars.   

She enjoys books.  Give her a book and she will sit and open and close the book for hours.  They keep her happy in the car, while I'm in the shower, getting ready, or just when she's bored.  She loves them.  And we love that she loves them.

She can say, "dada!" "na-na!" (banana) "Hah!" (hi), "uh oh!" "ah-puh!" (apple)  She is also very good at jabbering.

She loves to wave.  She will wave at anyone.  If you say, "can you wave?"  She immediately puts her hand up and waves.  It's our favorite.  I think she loves the attention she gets from it.  Speaking of waving-she is obsessed with the toilet right now.  She loves to play in it.  If you can't find her, the first place to check is the toilet.  Disgusting, I know.  I tell her "no no! That's yucky!" She looks at me at just waves.  haha.  It's so funny.

She just learned how to blow kisses.  It is the sweetest!!

She loves food.  Is obsessed with smoothies, bananas, oranges and edamame and loves meat.  Doesn't care for bread or rice.  She's  a pretty good eater.  When I feed her she opens her mouth really wide and says "ahhh!" until I put the food in her mouth.  

Ivy has four teeth.  Two on the bottom, one middle tooth on the top and one of her side teeth.  We call it her snaggle tooth.  For a short time, it was the only tooth up there.  Made for some cute smiles!  

She's obsessed with balls and balloons.  She will literally wrestle them and roll all over the floor playing with them.  Big or small she loves them.  

She's got a great personality.  Always happy, smiling but rarely giggling.  Millie can always make her laugh.  Mom, has to tickle her quite a bit to get giggles out of her.  Such a fun age!

She loves to play peek-a-boo.  If you hide behind anything, she will search for you.  And grins the whole time.  She loves it.  

She is a very sweet, easy going baby girl.  We love her and are grateful she is a part of our family. 

Happy 1 year baby girl!!


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