

This year as the tornado siren went off at 5:30pm to let us know it was time to trick-or-treat, I was still squeezing my babies into their costumes.  Cason was on a phone call for work, kids were ringing the doorbell that I was unable to answer, broccoli cheddar soup was on the stove, and rolls were in the oven about to burn.  It was a crazy day (evening mostly), all for some free candy.  We finally made it out the door around 6pm.  BUT, I love the holidays more now than I ever have (in a different sorta way).  Nothing brings me more joy than to see my children get excited and anxious for the events of a holiday.

Millie loved trick-or-treating.  She walked right up to the door, would sometimes forget to say "trick-or-treat", and a treat always landed in that round plastic pumpkin.  She ran from house to house.  But she mostly enjoyed all the doggies outside.  It was almost as if she was out there for the dogs and the trick-or-treating was just an added bonus.  The girl and her animals!

Ivy just sat back in the stroller, with her paci in her mouth, enjoying the crisp air and watching all the kiddos.  It was freezing, so we let Cason and Millie do the rest of the trick-or-treating while we went back to the house to pass out candy.

We finished the night off with treats and full tummys.
We had a great Halloween week and are looking forward to the rest of this holiday season.


  1. SUCH cute pictures marie!! I absolutely love the chicken costumes! They look so darling. I know what you mean about the evening being slightly stressful, but I think it's all worth it in the end :)

  2. They are seriously SO cute!!! These costumes kill me every time I see them! You are such a cute mommy! And by the way you look amazing!! So skinny!!

  3. How fun! Too bad we were all sick and couldn't join you guys. And I LOVE their costumes :)

  4. hahahahahahaah! I am laughing so hard!!! I love all of these pics! especially the one of millie veggin out on the stairs with wrappers everywhere! can't wait to see them all and you!

  5. Adorable! Sounds like a fun time! Love their costumes!!

  6. i CANNOT wait for you to come here. ibee watching tv with her toes flexed is SO Darling! i'm obsessed with the costumes too. love you!

  7. "A little lady"... you mean a little adorable! These pictures are so great! Your little one is such a doll!

    xo, Jenna

  8. Your girls are adorable, Marie!

  9. That is the CUTEST costume EVER!!! love!


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