
Little Baker

Today, Millie and I needed a little treat.  We decided to make chocolate chip cookies.  When I asked her if she wanted to help me make cookies, she was all for it!  We pulled up a chair, and she helped dump in the ingredients.  Sometimes she missed, and made a mess, but this time I didn't mind.  It was all fun!  And with a good wipe down we were good.  She loves to swipe her little finger across the butter, poke her fingers in the sugar, and shovel in the flour with a spoon...all for a little taste.

She just randomly started dancing in this picture.  The girl can dance.  And she does!  
All. The. Time.  Music or not.  My favorite!

We had a fun afternoon together.   
I hope she never stops wanting to bake with me. 
Love this little baker of mine! 


  1. I love girls for that reason, they just sing and dance music or no! She is so darling.

  2. She's so big now! What a doll (and good helper!)

  3. so cute!!! Baking is one of my favorite things to do with Ada - so many fun textures and tastes...best moments!

  4. Oh she is so cute! I wish her and Olivia could play, from what u post about her I swear they have the same personality. So cute!

  5. oh my goodness, so cute. Adore this post, love. If you get a second, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest post for Lauren Conrad. xo


  6. I don't know why, but this post made me cry. So tender. I look forward to many years of baking and cooking with my children in the kitchen. Millie looks sooo much like Cason, but has those big, beautiful lips like you. xoxo


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