
one and a half

I can not believe that I have a one and a half year old...and another baby on the way.  Crazy!  I couldn't let month 18/19 go by without documenting the fun, funny, independent, mischevious things that Millie is doing.

She just started going to nursery a few weeks ago and she LOVES it.  I say, "do you want to go to nursery?" and she says, "play?" "babies?"  When we drop her off, she sheds a few tears, but after a minute or two she is happy and enjoys being there.  Last Sunday, she needed her diaper changed so they went and found Cason who then found me.  She had two babies in her hands.  She loves her baby dolls and always has to have one or two or three.

The other day, I was making dinner and Millie was sitting on the couch.  I went to check on her and she had all four of her babies on the couch with her.  She was just chatting away, looking at them in the eyes saying, "hi!" and telling them "no! no! no!"  (I must say that to her a little too often)  She always wants their clothes off to put diapers on them.  They have to be real diapers too...not the diapers the dolls came with.  She feeds them her food, gives them pretend bottles, shares her paci, holds their hands, plays pattycake with them and pats their backs.  It really is so sweet.

She knows a few colors...kinda.  Pink/red and blue seem to be the ones she always remembers. She says a few of the letters when we sing the ABC's.  She loves to color.  That's pretty much all we hear all day long..."cuh-der" "cuh-der" (color).  But the only problem is she loves to tear her coloring books and eat her crayons.  We're working on that one.

My favorite things that she says right now are:
"How you doing?"
"shlippery" (I think she has a little lisp?)
"OH NO!!"
"hold you"
"sucka" (sucker)
"aw nuts!" (cason taught her that one)
"Case" (that's what she calls cason sometimes)

She talks alot!  Repeats things we say and is quite the chatterbox.  She says "please" and "thank you" and says "hi" and "buh bye" to everyone.  Ask her when her birthday is, she'll say "August" and her age? "one" (with a finger held up) and her name?  "Millie"  Where's Jage? (my brother who is in Ecuador serving a mission) and she says "Mission."  She loves to skype...especially to Aunt Lannie.

She loves to run around with her clothes off...diaper included.  She tells us when she's "poopy" and needs her diaper changed.  But doesn't much care for getting it changed.  Sometimes its a fight.  Maybe she's close to being ready to potty train?  

She loves music. Every time we get in the car, she says "muse" until we turn on Pandora toddler radio. (best station for kids)  We sing and do actions while driving in the car.  She's got some great moves!  Her favorite song to dance to is "We Found Love" by Rihanna.   She moves her shoulders and bounces up and down to the beat.

She is starting to be very independent.  Doesn't want lids on her cups anymore, has to eat by herself without help, won't eat her food unless we give her the fork or spoon and it has to be in a bowl.  She climbs on her crib, in drawers to try and reach things, and on our bed to try and get up.  

She is a lot of fun and keeps us on our toes!  We love this girl of ours!!


  1. She is SO cute and that is the cutest outfit!

  2. Millie and Crew are so similar in their developments. I love to read what new things Millie is doing because it helps me realize that Crew does the same thing. She is such a doll!

  3. So cute!! I need to write down what Jack is doing nowadays too. Millie is so adorable! I can't wait to see #2! So fun!

  4. So cute! She sounds so cute and fun! I have that IKEA chair! Love it!

  5. Love that little Millie, she is a cutie pie!

  6. she is so BIG! i can't believe how much she does for her age. its crazy. i love to skype her too! love her! and you. come to utah. tell millie to bring "case"

  7. what a cutie patooottiee. i want to come visit you!!

  8. This outfit has to be the cutest! I love those little jeans :)

  9. This outfit it beyond cute! I love those jeans :)

  10. how do you get her to hold still to do her hair???? it is SO cute Marie! I am dieing to do Olivias hair, but she is scared to death of the blow dryer...


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