
Ward Halloween Party

This year for our ward Halloween party, Cason and I were party poopers.  But Millie joined in on the fun of dressing up.  She was our little Millie Minnie Mouse. 

We filled up on chili, apple cider, homemade root beer and corn bread and chatted with friends.
Millie ran around with the big kids.  She was in pure heaven!  She kept trying to get Scooby-doo the dog, but he scared her and made her cry.  
We didn't quite make it to trunk-or-treat, because it was way past someone's bedtime, so we left early.
All in all, it was a great night!  

ps.  If any of you have figured out how to take pictures in the cultural hall...please share your secrets!


  1. Cute! Pictures in a cultural hall would be a nightmare. I just realized that I've never tried. There's got to be a way because how many Mormon wedding receptions take place in the gym?! Haha!

  2. Love that little mini! I used to HATE shooting in the gym! HORRIBLE lighting. But I found a way and it will change your life;)
    1. Shoot in RAW (can adjust easier in Bridge later.)
    2. Manually set your white balance in the lighting you will be using. (In the cultural hall.)
    3. You can always buy a FD filter which will also combat the effects of the lighting.
    Miss you guys!


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