

May is going to be such a good month!  And heres why:

Spring is in the air and the sunshine is coming out a little more than we've seen in the past few months.  I am so excited for summer.  The pool.  The beach.  and everything else that comes with summer! 

Millie has her first eye appointment with her new doctor here.  I am so anxious for it.  I've been waiting to get her in for so long.  And it's finally here!  I have many unanswered questions for him.  And I can't wait to get her checked out.

Mother's day is on Sunday.  I can't believe I'm a mom.  and that this holiday is for me.  And my mom.  And all the other moms out there.  Brings tears to my eyes.  

I am running a 25k this month.  That's 15.5 miles!  The only other races I've done are half marathons.  What's 2.5 more miles when you've already ran 13?  We'll see how it goes.  I am excited for it though! 

My sister and her babe are coming to visit me!!!  She booked her flight last night, and is coming for a whole week.  I know it won't be long enough, but I am beyond ecstatic!  It can't come fast enough. 

I have become quite the cook since living here in Michigan.  Either that, or I am now a mom and I am realizing that that's just what moms do.  I have some great recipes to share!  YUM!

Cason and I will be married three years this month!  Huzzah!  

And Cason will have a birthday!!  I am so excited for it!  Although, he is getting quite old!  :)

Oh!  and Happy Cinco de Mayo today!  We celebrated by wearing our mustaches-crooked, eating burrito bowls (so good!) with a blood orange fancy drink, and fried ice cream for dessert.  Oh it was yum!

I wouldn't mind if May was longer than 31 days.  I just know it will go by too quickly.  But I am soaking it all in and I can't wait for all these special dates!  Stay tuned for updates!

Don't forget to enter the DownEast Basics giveaway 
You don't want to miss this one!


  1. Millie just doubled her cuteness with the fake mustache!

  2. you + your daughter are so incredibly cute!!

    what a fun month you've got lined up! p.s. i'm excited for all of your great recipes...i've been struggling in that department!

  3. Oh my goodness, you do have quite the month! How exciting. I love your mustaches, haha, so cute! Little Millie is getting so big!

  4. Sounds like May is going to be a great month for you guys! Can't wait to see some of those yummy recipes, I need some new ideas!

  5. Your picture is so cute! I can't believe you actually got her to keep it one long enough for a picture! I can't get over how absolutely gorgeous your daughter is!!

  6. okay, those mustaches kill me! seriously. hilarious!!


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