

First off let me just say I have two amazing sisters...

Why?  You might ask.

Well, today I opened the mailbox to find two large packages addressed to ME.

Getting the mail is probably one of the most exciting moments of my day. (is that sad?)
I love to open and read the mail.

But that's beside the point.

I immediately tore open those boxes and found these babies!


So what?  You might say.  Well...they don't sell chocolate covered cinnamon bears here in my town.
And they are heaven!!  I've been craving them ever since we moved here.

I hinted to my mom and one sister that I really wanted some cccb's, but they never arrived, so I turned to facebook to see who would do me the favor...Those two sisters must've read my status.

One sister texted me and said, "hey, what's your address?  I'm updating my address book in my phone."  I fell for it and gave it to her.  Little did I know what she really needed my address for.

Oh, I love my sisters!! (this isn't the only reason I love them.)

If you're wondering what is on the menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner this week for me...

Chocolate covered cinnamon bears and cadbury eggs.  Nom nom nom!

Thank you sistas!


  1. Cadbury eggs are my enemy. I think I can do a whole bag in like 5 minutes.

  2. Amazing! glad they pulled through! Delicious ness... So cute of them!

  3. yum!! :) CCCB's are my fav!!! I think I'll hint to my sisters, too and see if I can get some in the mail ;)

  4. yum!! :) CCCB's are my fav!!! I think I'll hint to my sisters, too and see if I can get some in the mail ;)

  5. man i need sisters like yours! can i be a burr?

  6. What about the other 2??? ;)

  7. What great sisters! I'm sure that totally made your day!!


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