

Here is a little video I put together of Millie eating her "first solid"-rice cereal. 

At first, she was more interested in her bib, so we quickly took that off.

I think she liked her first real food experience.  See for yourself!  

Ps.  How are you supposed to incorporate solids into your breastfeeding schedule?  
Any advice?  I could use anything!!


  1. Cute. When Jack started out he HATED rice cereal...I don't blame him it is gross. But now he eats anything in sight. I just feed him solid and then offer him nursing. At first he nursed the same, but now that he is getting more solid he is weaning himself on nursing.

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  3. That is adorable! She's such a cutie! Love the song as well! As far as incorporating solids into your breastfeeding schedule you just... j/k... like i know. HAHAHA... Good luck!

  4. That's adorable! I think you're supposed to give solids after milk, right? They should still be getting all their nutrition from breastmilk of formula so if they get 'full' off cereal, they wont be getting the nutrients from the milk. That's what our pedi said at least, but everyone does it differently and babies survive everywhere so...go with your gut. :)

  5. At Leila's 4-month appointment a few days ago my doctor told me I could start feeding her rice cereal, but not to replace any nursing feedings. His point was the rice cereal is not a form of nutrition right now, just a way of getting her comfortable with eating solid foods from a spoon. PS she is so adorable!

  6. Loved it! Good job! We miss you guys!

  7. P.S. I just became a follower of your blog... I would love it if you followed our blog!!

  8. So cute!!! My doctor told me to nurse first like normal, then offer food. That way they are still getting their nutrition from breastmilk and then slowly getting used to baby food. I've noticed that Sophie is slowly weaning herself. She drinks a little less at nursings as time goes by and then eats more of her baby food. It has worked well for us.

  9. I forgot to say that I nurse her as long as she wants and then I wait like 30 min. and then I feed her as much as she wants then too. I think feeding Sophie new things is my favorite thing to do. I'm excited for you and little Millie to explore the food world!

  10. this is SO cute!!!
    i miss my pretty little baby!

  11. cute!!!! she downed that rice cereal it looks like. Steele is NOT liking anything we give him.. it's making me a little nervous. Let me know how Millie does. I am hoping he's just not used to it yet so he doesn't want it. he likes the 'good' stuff too much. aka my milk! :) love you

  12. So cute, She is getting so big!!
    My mom always suggest feeding rice at night so it will stick and fill her up longer. So I start with that, then add the fruits and veggies in during the morning and afternoon. Like the feeding between naps? I don't know...I'm not super strict on my feeding schedules though. Maybe someone who is might be better at that advice.


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