
six months old

Millie Marie is 6 months old!  (almost 7, but just had her 6 month check up)  It is amazing to see how much she has grown and progressed since she was a newborn.  I can't believe how much she has changed in 6 short months.  All these little milestones are so fun and I am very intrigued with all the little things she has learned. (and the big things)


Millie loves loves loves her Dad.  I try all day to make her giggle, smile, laugh, etc. and I get a few here and there, but the second he gives her attention she is nothing but rolling giggles, huge smiles and fun!  I love their little relationship.  One time he came home from work and went upstairs to change into something a little more comfortable-she watched him walk up the stairs and started to cry.  She wanted to play!  It was so sweet.  And Cason also loves her.  Often times out of the blue, he tells me he loves her.  It is so precious!  

She is such a little cuddle bug.  When we put her facing towards us on our shoulder, she instantly lays her head down to snuggle.  She loves her blankie and has to have it by her face or covering her face when she sleeps.  At first it scared me, but I slowly realized she does it on purpose.  

Believe it or not, but she can be quite the screamer.  Whether it's not getting enough attention, or just having fun she loves to scream.  It can be quite loud at times and sometimes cute, but most of the time it drives me crazy.  

Her latest favorite is dropping things.  She will drop something on purpose for me to pick up.  I don't know if she thinks its funny or she just loves to put me to work.  Either way, she loves it and does it over and over again.  

Millie is a very good eater!  She loves rice cereal, green beans, sweet potatoes, avocados, zucchini, and sometimes squash.  She is not the biggest fan of peaches, but likes applesauce and pears.  Every time she takes a bite of her food she says "mmmm."  She loves water from her sippy cup and can keep her occupied for a long time.  

She loves to copycat.  Any noise we make with our mouths, she copies.  kissy noises, growls, smacking, etc. 

She giggles when we make funny faces at her, and cries when a toy is taken from her.  She loves when we say "what does a cow say?"  "MoOOOOooo!"  And also "What does a lion say?" "Rooaooaaaar!"  She smiles every time.  She loves to play patty-cake, peek-a-boo, and sing itsy bitsy spider, twinkle twinkle little star, and popcorn popping.  

She loves her pacifier.  She can spot it a mile away and will stare it down until she has it in her mouth.  She loves to put it in and take it out of her mouth.  It makes her happy and stops the crying no matter what.  I think she would rather play with her paci over a bright colorful toy.  

She loves to eat her toes, and chew on her thumb.  

She is a very good sitter.  Although I do have to keep an eye on her from falling over from time to time, she can sit up for a very long time and play.  She doesn't roll at all, but I think she has skipped that stage. She would rather be sitting than laying down.  

Millie girl loves her sleep!  When she's tired...she's tired and she will let you know it.  She sleeps through the night from 8:30pm-7:30am.  And loves when we come get her in the morning.  

She loves the bath, and gets very excited to play with her toys and splash in the water.  






She is so full of energy and is one happy baby.  We love every ounce of her!  She is our little "ray of sunshine"!  


  1. oh my she is getting to be such a chunk! so cute! i can't believe you have a six month old. it seems like yesterday we were in florida taking cab rides from creepy strangers when our truck broke down on the side of the road :)

  2. So cute! She is heaver then Jack! When did that happen? haha. Love the little yellow outfit!

  3. I love her yellow outfit! She is darling.

  4. Marie! She is adorable! I can tell you are having fun dressing her. Her outfits are to die for! I can't believe she is 6 months already. That is such a fun stage. You are the cutest mom. I hope everything is going well Michigan!

  5. she is just DARLING! I love me a chubby baby! she is the perfect mix of you and cason - just beautiful!

  6. Lovva the chubba....so cute! And Happy 6 Months to Millie :) Good job on the picture taking...they look great!!

  7. So cute!!! I can't believe how chubbs she is! Too cute! Lve these shots of her!

  8. I love my Millie girl!! She is very cute, and big, and sweet! Love you!

  9. She is soo so sooo so so cute!! Your pictures look so good too! I want your camera! What a doll you have.

  10. She is soo so sooo so so cute!! Your pictures look so good too! I want your camera! What a doll you have.

  11. Can she get any cuter? She's so stinkin' cute!!! I love her round face. Precious!

  12. GOSH!!!!! I LOVE HER! These are so cute! Made me smile :)

  13. what a sweetheart...LOVE the yellow! :)

  14. she is such a cutie. love the pictures!

  15. love that Millie is a little chubber baby just like my Olivia. I LOVE chubby babies, I could kiss those cheeks all day!!!

  16. just remember, she smiled at me first on skype :)
    her outfit is to die for, and so is her personality! luvvvvvvvv millie may

  17. My girls were both 20-pounders at their 6-month checkup. Rolls and rolls of love! She is darling. Looks like a Green, I think. How's MI?


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