
Due Date

Well...today was my due date.

Boy am I glad I've already had my baby for 11 days.

Crazy that it's been 11 days!

Seems like just yesterday I pushed with all my might...

but it also seems like it's been forever.

Cason, Millie and I went to Salt Creek and hung out on the grass today.

It was a beautiful day.  

A little windy, but it felt soo good to get out and soak up the sun.

Millie was good.

Except, I hate to admit it, but sometimes nursing is hard.

And sometimes it's easier.

It kinda just depends.

Often times I just want to give her a bottle of formula so she'll sleep through the night.

But I'm not giving up.

Slowly we're getting better at it.

Today was a good day!


  1. congrats on the adorable baby girl! did i tell you that yet? i hope so. also, nursing IS THE HARDEST thing in the world. sometime it's convenient, but that's just about it. it's rough. it's tough. and frankly, i cant believe i made it 7 months. i cried my eyes out on a regular basis thinking i couldn't do it anymore (the colic didn't help!) don't feel badly if you have those feelings! and do whatever you feel is best. i don't know why i just started giving you all this unsolicited advice -- sorry! haha.. good luck!

  2. give it 3 weeks! it gets better :) promise!

  3. Fun day! She looks SO different in every picture! Cute little family Ro! Love you!

  4. Millie is adorable, we miss her! You look so great! Glad you guys were able to go to the beach, it looked like a gorgeous day!

  5. That sucks about the nursing thing! I've heard it's really tricky... Good luck with that! You look great BTW!!

  6. question for you marie...were you dialated at all when they induced you?

    i'm so happy you have your sweet little girl with you. we love the name millie think you have the cutest family in the world. and you look awesome!


  7. Yep, I'm sooo tempted to give up on nursing. For the life of me, I can't figure out how to do it with two, so I usually end up pumping for night feedings. Anyways, just know that you're not the only one with frustrations. Your little family is adorable! I love the last pic. She's a doll!

  8. SUch cute pictures!!!!! I wanna see Millie and squeeze her and love on her!

  9. i was just going to say the same thing as jana--

    3 weeks.
    all the sudden it gets so much easier.
    but you are not alone, to me nursing was harder than delivery, but now i love it!

  10. and I can't believe how great you look after just giving birth to a new babe just 11 days ago. seriously, you are beautiful!

  11. cute photos and I love love love her name. Thank you for clearing that up for me. Sooo cute!! I think it is old fashioned and I love that.

    Where do I get headbands . . all over the place. They do some modeling ( for fun ) for a few etsy shops. I am actually working on a post for etsy shops.


    that is the shop she has been sporting latley. :)

    funny bc i was not into headbands with Alex and now I really am with Avin!

  12. Oh Marie, Congrats congrats!! She is darling and so are you. I'm proud of you and think you will be the best mama. :) (and I really think the name you chose for your baby is the BEST!)

  13. ok, she's really cute. and so are you.

  14. I love checking your blog for new pics of baby Millie! So cute! The beach looked fabulous -- I miss it so much! Do NOT give up on the nursing! It is the best and healthiest thing in the world for babies! You should love it soon, but like many things, you may "hate it before you love it"! We tell missionaries that frequently! (that was a silly comparison, wasn't it?) Anyway, good for you for keeping at it. We are so looking forward to meeting miss Millie!

  15. Like everyone else has said, hang in there! You'll be so happy you did the nursing thing! What a doll she is and what a babe YOU are! You look great!

  16. so did you just have a baby or what?....i guess it only takes 11 days to lose all your baby weight if your name is beaut :)

  17. so did you just have a baby or what?....i guess it only takes 11 days to lose all your baby weight if your name is beaut :)

  18. You look SO good! Nursing is hard, but it gets better. For a while I thought of giving up repeatedly but stuck with it and it was the best blessing. So convenient, cheap, and Reese never once got sick and still hasn't and I attribute that to a year of breastmilk full of antibodies. Best of luck, hang in there.

  19. Congratulations you guys! We areso glad everyone is healthy and happy.

  20. Congrats !! You look amazing and she is adorable!! Ya... The whole nursing thing didn't go too well for me. I so wish I could have kept it up but I couldn't for a few reasons. So I totally understand your frustration. Good luck!!!!

  21. You are an adorable new mom. And I LOVE her name, too cute! You're right about the nursing some good, some bad. I nursed one and didn't one and did a little of both with one! Hang in there! Your family is darling!

  22. She is soooo adorable Marie! I'm so happy for you guys and you look great!

  23. I guess I'll get in line to hold that beautiful baby. With all your sisters around, I may never get the chance. She is so sweet, Marie!


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