
{comments as of late}

Here are some funny things people have said to me lately...

I'll be in the store and people will say out of the blue, "So when are you due?"  It kind of catches me off guard.  What if I was just really fat?!  

The other day I was at Trader Joe's with the three year old I nanny for and he wanted these penguin fruit snacks.  The penguins tummies are filled with juice, kinda like Gushers, and he looked at me and said, "Hey these penguins have big belly's just like yours!"  I about died laughing.  It was really cute!

A lady said to me the other day, "Oh, I didn't know you were pregnant!  I can tell you are having a girl because boys your belly goes straight out, and girls it goes all over!"  ....Thanks. 

I am only expecting more comments and tummy rubs the further along I get.  Can't wait to hear what people have to say when I am almost due!  

What things did/do people say to you? 



  1. I loved that a woman assumed that you were having a boy because of the shape of your belly. I've gotten that one too and I just have to laugh to myself. People are weird around pregnant women! I wrote a post about it myself, which I'm pretty sure you commented on. :) It's funny how people can't seem to talk to you about non-pregnancy things when you're pregnant. Your belly is always the topic of all conversation!

  2. There was a woman who was convinced I was having a boy by the way I was carrying the baby. When I told her it was a girl she didn't believe me!

  3. I had them all and then some. After 3 kids they all run together. I had people ask me if I was having twins when I was 5 months pregnant. I got the boy/girl thing all the time. People have the strangest theories on the whole thing. You're carrying low so it must be a boy. You're carrying low so it must be a girl. I just wished people could have commented on how cute my hair was and not how large and in charge I was!! You could just embarrass them and say you're not pregnant but thanks for asking!!

    I am sure you are a total hotty prego babe!!

    Love ya girl!!

  4. I had the same comment as Jana AND as you got- one lady didn't believe I was having a girl cause she said I stuck out so far. Another random lady said she 'knew' I was having a girl cause it was spread out. People just say whatever cause they want to talk about babies, haha. :)

    Ps I wish you won the giveaway! I totally want to take pictures of your baby.

  5. HAHAH!!! I NEVER say anything to any one that even looks pregnant until I know for sURe she is! That is so offensive to fat people that just look pregnant or just had baby. Too funny...

  6. The worst thing I heard was from a co-worker. She said, "I love to see a woman's face when she's pregnant...It's so full and glowing."

    WHAT? FULL? YOU MEAN 'FAT!' And HOW do you think THAT is beautiful!

  7. Oh, here's another one from my neighbor, "You can always tell from the back what pregnant women are having. If it's a girl, it goes right to the butt. If it's a boy, your butt stays the same."

    YES! She KNEW I was expecting a girl. What did she have? BOYS! OF COURSE SHE DID!!!!

  8. hello..at least someone didn't ask you if you were having two babies!!! And I didn't even measure big...crazy woman:) Just laugh at whatever they say and enjoy EACH and EVERY moment...it goes by sooo fast!

  9. The twins comment is the WORST!!! I seriously cried for a whole Sunday when some stupid old lady asked if I was having twins. Looking back on it now, it's kinda funny to remember but at the time, it really hurt. You look darling. Can't wait to hear how your heart explodes with love when she is born. :)

  10. Don't you love the comments?? I've gotten the "you carry them all over" comment for having a BOY so don't feel too bad.... basing the gender on how you carry your baby is all a bunch of crap haha! Just remember people DO NOT think before they speak... especially about the fact that you're pregnant and already sensitive to things. Don't you just want to say, "yes I'm well aware that I'm not the size shape or emotionally stable person I used to be but thanks for the reminder." I guess its all well meaning though so you can't be too worked up about it :) You look great by the way! What a babe!


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