
Easter was fun-filled this year!  
Cason and I woke up, ate delicious homemade cinnamon rolls and opened our Easter baskets filled with treats.  Then we watched Conference and headed to Cason's parents for the second session, food, and Easter egg hunt.

All the kiddos after the Easter egg hunt.

L to R:  Charlie, Eden, Nicolas, Davey, Ellie, Cooper, Liza, Ruby, Jane

Hladek Kiddos

Staffieri Family

Easter egg hunting!

How can you not love that little round face and his mommy?  

Us in our matching yellow.

(yes I am pregnant...and at the very awkward stage)

It was a great Easter!  
Conference was great as always.  
I learned a great deal about being a better wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend.
I felt like they talked a lot about being a mother and the important roll you play in your children's lives.
I loved it!!

Hope you all had a great Easter weekend!!


  1. You do not look awkward you look totally cute! That's funny that you mention the "theme" of conference because I thought the exact same thing and I wondered if it was only because I'm pregnant?

  2. haha I forgot you were pregnant for a second, so I'm glad you reminded me!! jk. CALL ME BACK!

  3. I like the matching yellow. And you look totally cute, not awkward. I got the same thing from conference, I felt like there was so much said about parenting. Must be the stage of life we are in and what we need to hear :)

  4. Just think! Your little girl will be there next year with all those cousins!! How cute.

  5. awkward?! your smokin hot! you have so many cute nieces and nephews? how fun. dont you just love livin by family!

  6. You look SO good!! I love your outfit there, and your adorable bump!!

  7. cute pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like fun, and o so warm!

  8. Marie you look so cute and not at an awkward stage at all! I love checking up on what you've been doing and it looks like you guys have so much fun! I hope I will see you sometime this summer when I am home!

  9. You still are not showing, aren't you 5 months pregnant now? You look so great! Fun to see pic's of all the kids at Easter. I can't get over Cooper, I haven't seen him forever...so cute!

  10. I didn't even notice your belly in this picture until i read your disclaimer and searched for you bump. you look great! love you.

  11. Awkward stage? Hardly! You look great! You and your husband are a good lookin' couple. Can't wait to see your beautiful little one!

  12. You look so cute with your little pregnant belly. And it's not awkward it's adorable!


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