
This last weekend was a fun one!
Cason and I picked out our tree,

set it up, strung lights throughout, and decorated it!

On Saturday, Cason had his work party.
We got all gussied up and headed to the party in Huntington Beach.
We ate dinner, chatted and watched people dance.
It was quite entertaining and it was great to meet Cason's coworkers.
(us pre-party. We didn't get any of us there)

I am loving this time of year in California.
It's just cold enough outside (maybe a little too cold, but nothing as cold as Utah),
the leaves are changing colors and there is a light rain.

I talked to my dad on the phone last night, and he said it snowed about two inches and was about 27 degrees outside. I do miss waking up to that first white blanket of snow.
It is so pretty, and everything is so clean.

But the bitter chill...not so much!

Yesterday, Cason and I came home from church, changed into our comfys, brewed up some peppermint hot chocolate, and snuggled.

It feels like December and I love it!


  1. I LOVE your dress. Wow you are so beautiful!

  2. your look so pretty, what a good looking couple! :) We will be in Utah for christmas till the 3rd of January! so about 2 1/2 weeks! So if you do come up we need to get together!

  3. oh my goodness marie! you look absolutely stunning. i love the dress!

    your tree looks so good too :) aren't holidays the best??

  4. Your dress is beautiful and so are you! Also- love your tree.

  5. What a cute tree and what a gorgeous dress!! I love it! I'm glad you guys are doing well. December came so fast but its fun to do all the fun wintery things like drinking hot chocolate and snuggling!

  6. very cute tree! I loved your tree last year too! That dress is adorable! Cute new header! I agree about the Utah Vs. CA weather thing...You miss seeing the snow etc..but I do not miss the freezing ness at all!

  7. boy oh boy beaut you are one little hottie! miss you and i sure do miss california right now...it snowed about a bazillion inches last night. boo!

  8. You guys are so cute! You look so gorgeous! I love your dress. Sounds like it was a great weekend.

  9. 1. you are so beautiful!!! holy smokes
    2. i wish i lived in california
    3. i wish i could see you

  10. Your tree looks great and you two make a gorgeous couple!

  11. beautiful Tree!! you two are sooo CUTE!!

  12. FUN!!! And Wow, I'm impressed with the shoe choice and purchase! I bet Cason was thinkin' Woot whew!! You look very cute!

  13. You look gorgeous (Marie) and of course Cason is handsome as always. Glad you're enjoying December there. It's warm and summer here -- very weird for Christmas!!! But it does rain every day. Happy holidays to you two! A. Debi


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