
Holiday Treat

I made the yummiest Gingersnap cookies the other day!

Four days later...they're still soft, chewy and yummy!

Try it out!

recipe via {two peas and a pot}


  1. Those are dad's favorite, ya know??!!

  2. You still have some 4 days later? Is it just me that makes cookies and eats way too many of them? they sound delicious, maybe when I'm feeling like I have enough will power to eat just a couple I'll make them!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I still have some 4 days later because it made about 1000!! Seriously I have never seen a cookie recipe make so many! Trust me I have had my fair share of cookies this past week...3+ a day! It's starting to get to me!

  5. wait, remind me how you know jana again? it's such a small world.

  6. Yum! I think I might make these tonight! I'm all about soft, chewy and yummy :)

  7. What...and you didn't bring your pregnant friend any:) jk...I am going to have to make these soon!

  8. Yum!! I can't wait to make these!

  9. Marie! I made your cookies this weekend and they were SO YUMMY! My dad is obsessed with ginger snaps and they were in lake powell so i thought these would be a perfect welcome home to them. They loved them and so did my primary class :) Thanks for the yummy recipe.


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