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Last weekend I cried. In fact, I cried a lot!
It was a very spiritual weekend and I definitely missed my family. Sarah and I hugged when we saw each other, and we cried. It made me feel loved!

Lauren blessed sweet baby Kate Rose.
and I cried.
Brian gave a beautiful blessing.

I am so thankful for the Priesthood in my life! I am thankful that Brian holds the Priesthood and was able to bless his baby girl.

I'm also thankful that Cason holds the Priesthood and will be able to exercise it when we have babies of our own.

I held Kate and tears rolled down my cheeks. She has such a sweet spirit about her. It is so amazing to me how perfect and sweet a baby is. Their smell is so delicate, their breath is soft and they are so fragile and precious. I love it!

I put Jack down for a nap. and I cried. I am such a boob.

He had fallen asleep with his basketball in one hand and his other hand behind his head. I thought it was cute, so I wanted to get a picture. I went in to snap away and he woke up. Dang it! Lauren walked in and said, "want Ro ro (that's my nickname) to lay by you or mom?" Jack said, "Ro ro." So I laid by him and tickled his almost perfect face.

"Ro ro?" He said.

I answered,"Yah?"


I cried!! It was the sweetest thing. He was so thankful that I was laying by him tickling his face.

I got to play with Owen. He is a spitting image of his dad! Such a cute boy with long legs and big blue eyes! Love that sweet smile! Love him!

I hung out with my girlfriends. We reminisced about old times of spying, laughing, drive-bys, and just what every girl does. It was fun and so good to see them!

I hung out with this beauty!
My mom.
Love her!! We went shopping, ran errands, and chatted.

Chatted with my dad! It was much needed and I'm so glad I got to see him!
It is so cute to see him with this baby girl!
He loves her so much!

Saw grandparents whom I love! (grandpa not pictured.)

and hung out with my brothers who are hilarious!

I teared up saying goodbye to my family.
It was hard, but I am glad to be home with Cason!
I missed him dearly!
It was a great vacation, and I still miss you family! Wanna come now??


  1. This is why I don't think I could ever move away. I cross my fingers we stay here when James is done with school! I would cry way too much. Your family is so dang cute and so sweet.

    P.S. I love all my nieces and nephews I always have and always will, but when you hold your baby in your arms for the first time (and every time after) it means everything to you and the love is just so different. It's amazing and I can't wait for you to experience it.. So get on it! ;)

  2. What a fun trip. I am so glad you got to go see your family. I am so grateful that you support Case so much and that you are so good about being here away from your family. I can't even imagine how hard it must be for you. You have such a great family. They are lucky to have you! We are so lucky to have you in our family as well. I'm sure Cason is so happy to have you back. He was getting a little lonely without you :)

  3. That does look like fun! I would have cried lots too! It sounds like you had a fun weekend :) That is what happens when my neice and nephew are in town!! I am attached to them all weekend! I can't wait to experience it for myself...although Labor scares me to death :)

  4. cute family! how adorable is your cute mom??? cute pics of the kids! i miss my fam a lot too! it's hard but i guess it's worth it right?

  5. What a fun weekend! I love all the pictures. Those grandbabies are adorable.

  6. marie, are you making those darling headbands and clips with Chelsea? How do I get some for Lucy Lu? Let me know, I need to order about all of them!

  7. Just was looking on etsy. I didn't see anything as cute as the ones on Chelsea's daughter and Julianne. And if I see one more baby with a flower as big as her entire head--ugh. So hideous!!!

  8. Ah, I just did the exact same thing at my little nephews blessing. Its such a neat thing to experience and realize that your own Husband is capable of the same things and has that same wonderful power to bless your family! -oh and I bawled holding the cute little ones too.... I'm not baby hungry at all! :-)

  9. You are a really good photographer Marie. How cute. And fun.

  10. Nope 100% positive :)

  11. cute post!!!! sad the one time i'm NOT in Utah you have to go and visit. How fun! All I can say from this post is BABY HUNGRY??? just a little maybe? hahaha! just get pregnant already! I got married first- you can get prego first. don't make me start all the ripple effects. (i got married then EVERYONE went ahead and followed since I decided to move away) haha love you!

    p.s. thanks for announcing the ireland conception thing. haha that was a joke by the way... maybe. ;)

  12. Marie you are so baby hungry!! haha. You'll probably have a kid before I get married but that's okay because I am sure you will have the cutest kids ever and be the best mom ever.

    p.s. I don't know what happened but I am looking a bit worked in the friend picture.

  13. Marie i love you! This was such a cute post! I can't believe you have 3 nieces and nephews! Isn't it so much fun...Being an aunt is the greatest. Hope you're enjoying the california sun!

  14. how cute is this. we miss you!! what cute babes we have in this fam. im coming to see you soon!! even if i have to come alone. love you

  15. The sweetest "post". Families are the best, aren't they? So glad you got to be with your family and so glad you married into "our family". (A. Debi)

  16. It's so hard to be away from your own family when you are first married. I can SO relate. I actually cried when Ben and I were driving away from our own recption! I felt like I was just leaving my family behind or something wierd. Who knows. It's great to be close to your family and it sounds like you had a good weekend. You seem like such a kind, patient, loving person. You will be such a wonderful Mom.

  17. Mario. I didn't know you were in town!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bummer. Looked like you had fun though. Lets get together ya ya ya


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