
they say "practice makes perfect"

Last weekend we watched our little nephew Davey.

He was such a good boy and we had so much fun with him! It was great practice! We'd probably say we are ready for kiddos, but the whole sleeping thing??

I dunno.

He went down for bed at 730ish, then woke up at 1am, and then again at 330am and then was up for the day at 630am.

He was too sweet though.

I wasn't even mad.

At 330am he just laid in bed, kicked his feet, giggled and talked.

I couldn't help but laugh.

How could you not love this sweet face??

Do you think we had fun??

Thanks Chels, for letting us watch your sweet boy! We would love to do it again!


  1. ahh! He is darling! That must have been fun! Especially when you can just give him back afterwards...WEll I'm sure you'll miss him but the sleep you sure wont'! That is the hard part of having kids but it is only temporary! You guys will be good parents!

  2. Okay, so you got him on the last night after he had been passed around! That is not a normal night for him. I am so sorry you guys got the raw end of the deal there. He usually sleeps from 7:30-7:00 (give or take :)) Anyways, those pictures are so cute. Thanks again so much for watching our little guy.

  3. That Davey is SO STINKIN CUTE! But then again, so are Chelsea's other two kids. Her and Matt make some great looking kids. For sure the sleeping thing is hard. And sometimes when they wake up so early your just like, "No way--are you serious, ugggghhhhh." That was great of you guys to do that.

  4. You guys are so sweet to watch little Davey. He is just so adorable and cuddly! You guys will be great parents!

  5. oh my. he is the cutest thing ever!!! Marie you are going to be the best mommy ever!!!

  6. oh my. he is the cutest thing ever!!! Marie you are going to be the best mommy ever!!!

  7. No doubt you two will be great parents, but what's the rush?!?! You've got plenty of time!! Enjoy just sleeping with each other for a while!! :)

  8. Doesn't that just make you baby hungry! Ah! its funny to come to the point where you realize that could be you any day now haha. I can't wait! You guys will be great parents! :)


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