
Dear Christmas,

The tree is put up and decorated,

the presents are wrapped and placed neatly under the tree,

sugar cookies have been made,

the stockings are hung with care,

and most importantly Christ is being remembered.

We love this time of year and don't want it to end.

We hope you're enjoying it too.


  1. Cute Marie! You're quite on top of things if you're all done with shopping! Miss you love you!

  2. very cute. love those cookies too. nice nativity scene!

  3. SOOO darling!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS... LOVE YOU:)

  4. wow. you actually have a real tree that has ornaments and presents that are wrapped in real wrapping paper!
    our tree was donated from mother-in-law who got it from the DI. we don't own any ornaments and we don't/cant afford wrapping paper so i have been using newspaper. oh and we are regifting things to eachother that we already have to make it look like we have more presents under the tree. HAHAH. oh life. miss you


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